How To Load Multiple XML Files

  • Hi All,

    I'm required to load multiple XML Files from one folder into a database table, I also need to check that the file starts with "Filename"

    e.g Departments_1 I need to make sure the the file starts with "department" as there'll be other files in the folder e.g Departments_2

    at the moment I am able to load one file at a time using the script below that checks if a file exists before loading,

    is it possible to achieve this using T-Sql? any help would be appreciated.

    Here's part of the script that I'm using to load the data into a temp table below:

    --Load all XML data first

    DECLARE @isExists INT

    --Cost Centres

    exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Prof1t\FTP\<CLIENT_FOLDER>\Departments_1.xml', @isExists OUTPUT

    IF @isExists = 1


    print 'Departments.xml exists'

    INSERT INTO tmpCostCentreXML (CostCentreCode, CostCentreName)

    SELECT Y.CostCentres.query('CostCentreCode').value('.', 'VARCHAR(30)'),

    Y.CostCentres.query('DepartmentName').value('.', 'VARCHAR(60)')

    FROM (



    BULK 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Prof1t\FTP\<CLIENT_FOLDER>\Departments_1.xml',

    SINGLE_BLOB) AS T(x)) AS T(x)

    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('Departments/Department') as Y(CostCentres);

    print 'Loaded Cost Centre XML'




    print 'Departments_1.XML doesn''t exist'


    Here's the XML example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    -<Departments> -<Department> <DepartmentName>MAGNUM POC</DepartmentName> <CostCentreCode>30</CostCentreCode> </Department> </Departments>



  • T-SQL probably isn't the best tool for this job. This is something that I'd use SSIS for.

    But, having made my disclaimer, you can probably do it in T-SQL, but you may need xp_dirtree (officially undocumented, so can change, use at your own risk, etc...). Here's a post that explains it (I haven't tried the code in the post),

  • Thanks I'll have a look, I have found a temp work around in the meantime. 🙂

  • I had to do this for the first time recently and found that using SSIS is the best way to go. You can both load the XML files into a table and then use either an XML task or SQL task to get the data out of the nodes into their respective tables, if that's what you are ultimately doing.

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