Blog Post

Annual Corporate Report Filing for SQLOrlando


As a Florida corporation we have to file an annual report. Sounds complicated, but for us it’s a five minute task. Here’s the Trello card for the work I just did:

One of the habits I’ve tried to stick to is when I do a task, especially one I don’t do often, is it look to see if there is anything I can add to the card to make it easier for me (and the next person) the next time. Here’s the template card after my edits:

It’s still less than perfect (no details on how you would submit for reimbursement for example) but I think it fairly describes the work we need to do. The main change from the previous version of the card is the slack channel task. We have all bank transactions posting to a channel that all the Board members have access to, so they’ll see this:

Nice, simple transparency that gives everyone confidence we’re managing our money as expected.

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