select query does not return any resultset

  • hi all,

    i have a table with 74 rows. when i run a select statement on it, it does not return any resultset.

    for the same query if i use the nolock hint , it does return the result.

    i ran a profiler to see what is happening behind the scene and i see only the SQL:BatchStarting

    i donot see the table being locked in the activity monitor. no error in the event viewer for SQL. only a below warning

    [ warning] [vmusr:vmusr] Error in the RPC receive loop: RpcIn: Unable to send . there exist a hotfix for this error and it will be applied.but not sure if the strange behaviour is due to this any suggestions ?

    also, if i run select statment against any other table it runs without any error.

    dbcc checktable returns no error.

    DBCC results for 'POLICY_LOCKS'.

    There are 74 rows in 1 pages for object "POLICY_LOCKS".

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    sql version: SQL server 2005 with SP4

    Windows: Server 2003 Enterprise Editionwith SP2


  • Try

    dbcc opentran

    to look for any open transaction. If nothing, you can try issuing a 'checkpoint' command on the database to commit data in the systems memory.


  • Maybe you get some useful information about what locks the table using sys.dm_tran_locks (

    There are some other Transaction Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions that might help you:

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