Extract data from XML field

  • Hello,

    I have a SQL view with a column called GlobalCountryRegionXML.

    Here is an example of a value stored in this field:-



    <Country>United Kingdom</Country>




    <Country>United States</Country>




    From this, I would like two further columns showing the following results (in the same single row) separated by a comma:-

    Country: United Kingdom, United States

    Region: UK-IE, NORAM

    I've tried so many variations of code using NODES and CROSS APPLY, but it just isn't happening! lol

    Many thanks in advance.

  • with cte as (
    select n.x.value('Country[1]','varchar(30)') as Country,
    n.x.value('Region[1]','varchar(30)') as Region,
    row_number() over(order by n.x) as rn
    from MyView t
    cross apply t.GlobalCountryRegionXML.nodes('/GlobalCountryRegion/CountryRegion') n(x)
    select string_agg(Country, ', ') within group (order by rn) as Country,
    string_agg(Region, ', ') within group (order by rn) as Region
    from cte;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Many thanks for the reply Mark.

    I am getting the following error with the STRING_AGG function:-

    "Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 8

    'string_agg' is not a recognized built-in function name."

    I have read that this may not be available in 2016 and have tried STRING_ADD (which was one suggestion I researched but didn't work) and have read XML PATH and STUFF might be a way round it, but I am no expert.

    Many thanks again.

  • This should work pre 2016

    select stuff((select ',' + n.x.value('Country[1]','varchar(30)') as "text()"
    from MyView t
    cross apply t.GlobalCountryRegionXML.nodes('/GlobalCountryRegion/CountryRegion') n(x)
    order by row_number() over(order by n.x)
    for xml path('')),1,1,'') as Country,
    stuff((select ',' + n.x.value('Region[1]','varchar(30)') as "text()"
    from MyView t
    cross apply t.GlobalCountryRegionXML.nodes('/GlobalCountryRegion/CountryRegion') n(x)
    order by row_number() over(order by n.x)
    for xml path('')),1,1,'') as Region


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Good morning Mark,

    Thank you so much for your assistance with this.  It works a treat!

    However, there is one final part to this.  When applying the code to my overall view, I need to add column REF_NO to split the information over the rest of the records (so each record will have a different COUNTRY/REGION etc).

    I've tried to add something like ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY REF_NO) in several different places, but no joy.

    Can you please advise on this?

    Many thanks again!

  • Not totally clear to me what you're asking for, maybe this?

    with cte as (
    select REF_NO,
    n.x.value('Country[1]','varchar(30)') as Country,
    n.x.value('Region[1]','varchar(30)') as Region,
    row_number() over(order by n.x) as rn
    from MyView t
    cross apply t.GlobalCountryRegionXML.nodes('/GlobalCountryRegion/CountryRegion') n(x)
    select t1.REF_NO,
    stuff((select ',' + t2.Country as "text()"
    from cte t2
    where t2.REF_NO = t1.REF_NO
    order by t2.rn
    for xml path('')),1,1,'') as Country,
    stuff((select ',' + t2.Region as "text()"
    from cte t2
    where t2.REF_NO = t1.REF_NO
    order by t2.rn
    for xml path('')),1,1,'') as Region
    from cte t1
    group by t1.REF_NO
    order by t1.REF_NO;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Yes my fault, I should have compiled my original question better, my apologies.

    So for each row of data there is this XML column and a REF_NO column.  Each REF_NO will have it's own unique XML based on Country/Region.  At the moment, your original code gives me all XML values in this column for each record, rather than for each unique REF_NO.

    So for example, I am looking for something like:-

    1234...FRANCE, ITALY.....EMEA, EMEA

    1235...UK, SPAIN.....UK-IE, EMEA

    Your revised code runs for a while but produces NULL values.

    Thanks for your help, it has given me a great insight and good footing to see if I can resolve this.

    Many thanks.

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