I’ve got a project I’m working on at the moment and it includes a number of elements from my recent Powershell Basics posts. If it works out I’ll share later but feel free to guess. In the mean time the next element I needed was a list of files in given directory.
$Path = "C:temp"
get-childitem -path $Path -filter *.csv
Directory: C:temp
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
—- ————- —— —-
-a—- 6/27/2021 11:26 AM 66 Employee.csv
-a—- 7/12/2021 5:15 PM 245609 comments.csv
-a—- 7/30/2021 7:04 PM 62443 test1.csv
I’m using the command get-childitem but I could just have easily used it’s standard alias dir. It has a number of parameters but here I’m passing in the -path to tell it where to look and I’m using the -filter parameter to just get the CSV files. I could just as easily using -include to get the CSVs, or use -exclude to remove the files I’m not interested in. Last but not least, in my case I only want to get the file names so I’m going to include the -name parameter.
$Path = "C:temp"
get-childitem -path $Path -filter *.csv -name
Note: With the -name parameter I don’t get a header either, just the list of file names. Sadly there is no way to sort here, so I’ll have to figure that out next.