what is pending io count

  • Is someone able to explain what pending_io_count is in sys.dm_os_tasks please. The description on bol suggests it is io done but the name suggests otherwise, before I draw my own conclusions (io done seems to fit my machine) I thought I would ask for a 2nd opinion.


  • If you run

    select r.session_id, r.status, r.command, t.pending_io_count

    from sys.dm_exec_requests r

    join sys.dm_os_tasks t on r.task_address = t.task_address

    order by 1 desc

    you should see that pending_io_count for currently running user requests will be low, while for some system requests it will be very high. I think that confirms the BOL description.

    If you want to see pending i/os have a look at sys.dm_io_pending_io_rquests and filter on io_type = 'disk'

  • thanks

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