SSRS expression Error

  • Hi...

    I want the count of loannumber when month=7 .

    My expression as below.Its returning no value.


    (DATEPART("m", Fields!MONTH_2.Value) = DATEPART("m", DATEADD("m", -4, Parameters!V_COPYDATE.Value))) ,CountDistinct(Fields!Loan_Number.Value),NOTHING)

    Can anyone correct me please.


  • komal145 (11/13/2012)


    I want the count of loannumber when month=7 .

    My expression as below.Its returning no value.


    (DATEPART("m", Fields!MONTH_2.Value) = DATEPART("m", DATEADD("m", -4, Parameters!V_COPYDATE.Value))) ,CountDistinct(Fields!Loan_Number.Value),NOTHING)

    Break it down into parts. Add temporary columns for each of the pieces of the expression. Visually seeing the parts may shed some light on why it's not working. Remove the columns after you've figured it out.



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