collation conflicts during merge with bulk insert

  • I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting collation conflicts like the following:

    Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation. (SQL-42000)

    Statement(s) could not be prepared. (SQL-42000)

    The command structure is:

    MERGE INTO target_db.target_schema.target_table AS T USING (SELECT col1 FROM OPENROWSET (BULK file.txt, FORMATFILE=format.fmt, FIRSTROW = 2) AS Z) AS S ON (T.col1=S.col1) WHEN MATCHED THEN ...

    So basically I'm doing a merge into a table using a set of fields that I get from a bulk operation. The format file for the bulk operation hardcodes the collation as the _AS collation. The database has been created with the _AS collation and all the columns have the _AS collation. However, the server default is the _AI collation. Is that somehow messing this up?

    Unfortunately we don't have the ability to change the query itself since it's hardcoded into a program, so I'm trying to see if I can fix this by altering the DB instead. Any idea at least what is going on?

  • Check the collation of the target column - it may be different from the database default.

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  • The columns are all the correct collation, as is the format file. I wonder if, since the server default collation is the _AI one, the BULK INSERT is using the tempdb with an _AI collation for the openrowset and therefore encounters that collation problem.

    Could that be an issue? Any other ideas?

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