XML data extract

  • Hi

    I've been tasked with extracting information for a report where the field type is XML.

    THe SQL table contains 2 fields Personcode and XMLBody

    THe XMLBody Field contains information like the below example;



    <field id="Comment" type="textbox" title="Comment:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox" mandatory="1">Extarct the data string located here.</field>

    <field id="Action" type="textbox" title="Action:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox">more test text.</field>

    <field id="Outcome" type="textbox" title="Outcome:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox" />



    Can anyone help/explain the SQL to extract from the XML  where the field id node = "Comment" and  then only pull back the comment text e.g. the sql output would read;

    Personcode   |  XML Text

    99999            | Extract the data string located here

    Any regarding SQL and XML data extraction would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  • Try this

    declare @MyTable table(Personcode int, XMLBody XML);

    insert into @MyTable(Personcode, XMLBody)
    <field id="Comment" type="textbox" title="Comment:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox" mandatory="1">Extract the data string located here.</field>
    <field id="Action" type="textbox" title="Action:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox">more test text.</field>
    <field id="Outcome" type="textbox" title="Outcome:" rows="6" cols="50" cssclass="textbox" />

    select Personcode,
    XMLBody.value('(/content/fieldgroup/field[@id="Comment"])[1]','varchar(100)') as [XML Text]
    from @MyTable;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • This worked perfectly

    Thank you for your help and time.

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