running dos copy command from select statement

  • Here is my Query :

    --select item_number from item where item_number like '%Test%'

    For each item_number i would like to copy a .bmp file from the server and copy to my local drive.

    -- copy \\server1\Images\<Item_number>.bmp c:\temp

    Is it possible to run the above command in select statement somehow ?

  • You may use dynamic query and xp_cmdshell, smth like this:

    --be sure you have permissions from DBA, and configured server:


    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

    reconfigure with override

    exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1

    reconfigure with override


    declare @sql nvarchar(max);

    declare @files table (fname sysname);

    insert @files values ('1'),('2'),('3');

    set @sql = (

    select replace('exec sys.xp_cmdshell ''copy \\server1\Images\<Item_number>.bmp c:\temp'';','<Item_number>',fname)

    from @files for xml path('')




    I am really sorry for my poor gramma. And I hope that value of my answers will outweigh the harm for your eyes.
    Twitter: @SomewereSomehow

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