Listing all SQL Logins and excluding builtin logins?

  • I'd like to be able to list all SQL Logins. However there are some logins that are builtin such as sa and ##.....##.

    At the present, I have this query:

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.server_principals AS sp

    WHERE sp.type='S'

    AND <> 'sa'

    AND NOT LIKE '##%'

    but I don't know if this is really the best solution. I was hoping that there was a column that indicates whether a sql login is built-in so I can exclude with certainty.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Thanks but this still includes the 'sa' and '##...##' logins and I don't see any columns that would indicate if the login is a builtin login or not.

  • I think principal_id >= xx should work. Lower numbers are usually reserved for system/builtin objects.

  • Yes, I observed this, but my concern was that this amounts to using a magic numbers which may work today but not tomorrow. I have the same problem with "name <> 'sa' AND NOT name LIKE '##%'" -- they work right now but I don't want to rely on any assumptions that they'll still work for new editions where they decide to add/take away builtins.

    It does sounds, though, there is no way of identifying a principal as a built in or not.

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