restricting values a variable can be assigned

  • Hey guys, how can I declare a variable of datatype int that only can be assigned the values 1,2,3,4,5?

  • You would need to do a check on the variable to see if it is within the range of numbers allowed

    Something like

    DECLARE @variable INT = 8

    IF @variable >=1 AND @variable <=5


    Do what I need to do



    PRINT 'Variable out of scope range'


  • You can even do a case statement whle assigning the data to the variable.

  • Is there a way to do it in the declaration?

  • Not so easy restriction at variable declaration in my knowledge. Lets wait for experts to comment on it.

  • dndaughtery (7/17/2012)

    Is there a way to do it in the declaration?

    Not sure what you mean here. Are you asking if you can declare a variable in such a way as to limit the allowed values? I have to say that sounds a bit oddball. The idea of validation is prevent invalid data. Trying to prevent this at the time of declaration just doesn't make sense. You would be asking a developer to write some sort of complicated code to prevent them from entering a number outside of a given range.

    What is the goal of what you are trying to accomplish and maybe there is another way to go about it.


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  • I was told someone interviewing me would ask this. In my 7 years of DB Development Ive never had a need like this but thought I could vaguely remember some sort of variable declaration like this. Maybe I was just remembering the array declarations in my college programming classes. But I will go with the answers of using conditional logic. THanks for your help guys.

  • dndaughtery (7/17/2012)

    I was told someone interviewing me would ask this. In my 7 years of DB Development Ive never had a need like this but thought I could vaguely remember some sort of variable declaration like this. Maybe I was just remembering the array declarations in my college programming classes. But I will go with the answers of using conditional logic. THanks for your help guys.

    Well that sounds like they are going to ask you about user defined datatypes and/or rules. You could do this type of validation with user defined datatypes and rules.


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  • dndaughtery (7/17/2012)

    Is there a way to do it in the declaration?

    I was told someone interviewing me would ask this. In my 7 years of DB Development Ive never had a need like this but thought I could vaguely remember some sort of variable declaration like this. Maybe I was just remembering the array declarations in my college programming classes. But I will go with the answers of using conditional logic. THanks for your help guys.

    Nope. That would be my answer in an interview.

    I have been on both sides of the interview table for SQL-related work since 1999. I have never asked someone that nor have I ever been asked that. If I were my answer would be "No". If I were asking this, "No" would be that answer I would be expecting.

    You can, however, do this before the variable is passed depending on how it is being passed. For example: if you are using SSRS 2008 and that parameter was being fed to a stored procedure from an SSRS report then, "YES" you can set any restriction(s) you wish there; the options are endless. But now we're talking about something which is better discussed in a BI forum.

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