This one is bugging the daylights out of me. We've got a stored proc that does some error checking then sends an email if there is an error. I can get it to work as long as I don't use the @query switch for sp_send_dbmail. As soon as I uncomment that, the code fails. I've Googled the error and tried every switch listed in articles about similar errors (different numbers), but still can't get the code to work. If I set the @exclude_query_output to 1, nothing happens. It just says "commands completed".
The actual sp_send_dbmail code is cribbed off of other procs that work in SQL 2012 (We haven't seen any errors in SQL 2019 either), so I know this SHOULD work which means I'm missing something obvious. Here's the scrubbed version of my code. Thoughts?
Msg 22050, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Failed to initialize sqlcmd library with error number -2147467259.
DECLARE @Emails VARCHAR(50) = '';
DECLARE @profile VARCHAR(50),
@emailTo VARCHAR(255) = @emails,
@ErrorCnt INT,
@EmailSubject VARCHAR(80),
@EmailCopy VARCHAR(255),
@EmailMsg VARCHAR(8000),
@filename VARCHAR(100)='AProcess_' + LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),112),8) + '.txt';
IF (@emailTo IS NULL)
SET @emailTo=';';
SELECT @profile = MyDB.dbo.fnGetEmailProfile();
SELECT @ErrorCnt = (SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'RecordCount'
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MissedResponse = 1 OR ZeroDollars = 1);
IF @ErrorCnt > 0
SELECT @EmailMsg = 'This is an automated message to inform you that an error has occurred in the A process. ' +
'Please see attached error log to verify which Items have problems.';
SELECT @EmailSubject = 'ERRORS: Process A';
SELECT ItemNumber, ItemName,
CASE WHEN ZeroDollars = 1 THEN ''Item has zero dollars. Please investigate issue.''
WHEN MissedResponse = 1 THEN ''Item is missing from file. Please investigate issue.''
ELSE ''Unknown Error. Reach out to systems analyist contact for research.'' END AS ErrorResponse
FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE MissedResponse = 1 OR ZeroDollars = 1;';
--SELECT @EmailMsg;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = @profile,
@recipients = @emailTo,
@query_result_header = 1,
@query = @MySQL,
@subject = @EmailSubject,
@importance = 'High',
@body = @EmailMsg;--,
--@exclude_query_output = 1,
--@attach_query_result_as_file = 1,
--@query_result_header = 1--,
--@query_attachment_filename = @filename;
It was executing the query under the context of msdb, not the original database, so the query needs to have the MyDB prepended to the dbo.MyTable.
I used to know that. Not sure why I ever forgot it.
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