SQL Command line

  • Hi SQL Masters,

    I used the command line when connecting to SQL Servers and executing T-SQL script, my problem here is how can i set the lines of output? I'm getting very dirty result of query 🙁

    Anyone can advise?

    Thank you very much!!!


  • You are getting too wide of data?

    You can increase the size of the command line window and set the width of the result sets, but if the output exceeds those limits in will get messy. Not a whole lot you can do at the command line.

    I have to ask why not use SSMS?


  • Hi,

    Thanks for advise, it works on me :-D, regarding your question, it's nothing, i just want to try to execute some scripts on command line 😀

    Thank you


  • The following is a SQLCMD command that would be used in a .bat file to run the given query(-Q) and send the output to the filename given (after the -o). You can then look at the output at your leisure. (Note: -E means use Windows Authentication)

    sqlcmd -S MYServerName -E -Q"USE master; EXEC sp_help_revlogin" -o C:\SQLServer_Logins_Extract\SQLServerLogins\MyServerName_Logins_Extract.sql

    To use a file that contains a big sql script, use the following:

    sqlcmd -S MyServerName -E -i C:\SomeDirectory\SomeBigSQLScriptFile.sql -o C:\SomeDir\SomeOutputFromBigSQLScriptRun.txt

    Hope this helps.

  • Darn, I think I misread your post. It's Friday. Brain not functioning. Oh well....

  • Thanks everyone 😀 I learned from you all.


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