aggregating result set problems

  • ALTER VIEW [dbo].[neoset_dailySalesManReport]


    SELECT distinct TOP (100) PERCENT s.contentid, s.entryDate AS 'date', s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title AS 'action type' ,

    sit.title AS 'invoice type', '€' + convert(nvarchar(max),CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 2), s.invoiceAmount)) AS 'invoice amount'

    ,slt.title AS 'furniture location'

    ,s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions,

    c.lastName + ' ' + c.firstName AS 'salesman',

    convert(nvarchar(max),c.contentid) as 'salesmanid',convert(nvarchar(max),st.contentid) as 'store',

    convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)) as 'comments',

    s.relativerecord, s.cultureid

    FROM dbo.neoset_statisticsLangs AS s

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsActionTypeLangs AS sat ON s.actionType = sat.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sat.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsInvoiceTypesLangs AS sit ON s.invoiceType = sit.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sit.CultureId

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt sltjt on s.contentid = sltjt.ref1id

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs AS slt ON sltjt.ref2id = slt.ContentId and s.CultureId = slt.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_contactsLangs AS c ON s.salesMan = c.ContentId AND s.CultureId = c.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_storesLangs as st on = st.contentid AND st.cultureid = s.cultureid

    WHERE s.IsDeleted = 0 and s.isApproved = 1

    --group by s.contentid ,s.entryDate,s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title,sit.title,s.invoiceAmount,

    --s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions, c.contentid,st.contentid,c.lastName,c.firstName,

    --convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)),s.relativerecord, s.cultureid --,slt.title

    ORDER BY 'salesman', s.customerName, 'date' ,'furniture location'


    The code above returns a result set of 3 rows, two of which share the same contentId and one with a unique contentid. The current appearance of the data is like the following

    contentid ................... furniture location ..............

    1 xxxx

    1 yyyy

    2 aaaa

    I want the data to appear summarized as follows

    contentid ................... furniture location ..............

    1 xxxx,yyyy

    2 aaaa

    can anyone help? I hope I defined my problem clearly enough

  • Those two rows with contentid = 1, which have a different furniturelocation: which other columns are different between the two rows?

    Avoid using ORDER BY in views. If you check the output of that view, you will find that it's not ordered.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • This problem has been bugginh me since friday! After a good weekend I managed to find the solution 🙂

    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[neoset_dailySalesManReport]


    SELECT distinct TOP (100) PERCENT s.contentid, s.entryDate AS 'date', s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title AS 'action type' ,

    sit.title AS 'invoice type', '€' + convert(nvarchar(max),CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 2), s.invoiceAmount)) AS 'invoice amount',

    (STUFF((SELECT ',' + title FROM neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs slt2

    INNER JOIN neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt sltjt2 on slt2.contentid = sltjt2.ref2id and s.CultureId = slt2.cultureid

    WHERE sltjt2.ref1id = s.contentid ORDER BY title

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT).value('root[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'')) as 'furniture location'

    --,slt.title AS 'furniture location'

    ,s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions,

    c.lastName + ' ' + c.firstName AS 'salesman',

    convert(nvarchar(max),c.contentid) as 'salesmanid',convert(nvarchar(max),st.contentid) as 'store',

    convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)) as 'comments',

    s.relativerecord, s.cultureid

    FROM dbo.neoset_statisticsLangs AS s

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsActionTypeLangs AS sat ON s.actionType = sat.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sat.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsInvoiceTypesLangs AS sit ON s.invoiceType = sit.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sit.CultureId

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt sltjt on s.contentid = sltjt.ref1id

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs AS slt ON sltjt.ref2id = slt.ContentId and s.CultureId = slt.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_contactsLangs AS c ON s.salesMan = c.ContentId AND s.CultureId = c.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_storesLangs as st on = st.contentid AND st.cultureid = s.cultureid

    WHERE s.IsDeleted = 0 and s.isApproved = 1

    --group by s.contentid ,s.entryDate,s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title,sit.title,s.invoiceAmount,

    --s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions, c.contentid,st.contentid,c.lastName,c.firstName,

    --convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)),s.relativerecord, s.cultureid --,slt.title

    ORDER BY 'salesman', s.customerName, 'date'


  • mixalissen (7/2/2012)

    This problem has been bugginh me since friday! After a good weekend I managed to find the solution 🙂

    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[neoset_dailySalesManReport]


    SELECT distinct TOP (100) PERCENT s.contentid, s.entryDate AS 'date', s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title AS 'action type' ,

    sit.title AS 'invoice type', '€' + convert(nvarchar(max),CONVERT(DECIMAL(10, 2), s.invoiceAmount)) AS 'invoice amount',

    (STUFF((SELECT ',' + title FROM neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs slt2

    INNER JOIN neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt sltjt2 on slt2.contentid = sltjt2.ref2id and s.CultureId = slt2.cultureid

    WHERE sltjt2.ref1id = s.contentid ORDER BY title

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT).value('root[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'')) as 'furniture location'

    --,slt.title AS 'furniture location'

    ,s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions,

    c.lastName + ' ' + c.firstName AS 'salesman',

    convert(nvarchar(max),c.contentid) as 'salesmanid',convert(nvarchar(max),st.contentid) as 'store',

    convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)) as 'comments',

    s.relativerecord, s.cultureid

    FROM dbo.neoset_statisticsLangs AS s

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsActionTypeLangs AS sat ON s.actionType = sat.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sat.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsInvoiceTypesLangs AS sit ON s.invoiceType = sit.ContentId AND s.CultureId = sit.CultureId

    LEFT JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt sltjt on s.contentid = sltjt.ref1id

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs AS slt ON sltjt.ref2id = slt.ContentId and s.CultureId = slt.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_contactsLangs AS c ON s.salesMan = c.ContentId AND s.CultureId = c.CultureId

    INNER JOIN dbo.neoset_storesLangs as st on = st.contentid AND st.cultureid = s.cultureid

    WHERE s.IsDeleted = 0 and s.isApproved = 1

    --group by s.contentid ,s.entryDate,s.customerName, s.customerLocation, sat.title,sit.title,s.invoiceAmount,

    --s.customerPhones, s.mobilePhone, s.InformationPromotions, c.contentid,st.contentid,c.lastName,c.firstName,

    --convert(nvarchar(max),dbo.fn_RemoveHTML(s.comments)),s.relativerecord, s.cultureid --,slt.title

    ORDER BY 'salesman', s.customerName, 'date'


    Not so fast!

    * You still have tables neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs and neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt in your

    FROM list, even though neither are referenced in the output, or by any joins, or the WHERE clause.

    Removing them will probably eliminate the requirement for DISTINCT.

    * The joins and where clause in the correlated subquery generating 'furniture location' are confusingly jumbled.

    * Your view definition still includes TOP and ORDER BY. The optimizer will ignore them - take them out.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (7/2/2012)* You still have tables neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs and neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt in your

    FROM list, even though neither are referenced in the output, or by any joins, or the WHERE clause.

    Removing them will probably eliminate the requirement for DISTINCT.

    I ran into an interesting case the other day when I was trying to optimize a query. The original writer had included 4 tables in a JOIN that weren't being used at all. Since each JOIN was to a unique record (per row of the left table), it didn't result in any record duplication.

    What I found out was that, after removing those JOINs, it appeared to have 0 impact on the query's execution speed. I'm wondering if the optimizer was smart enough to exclude them from the execution plan. Unfortunately, I didn't look at the plans to see if those 4 tables actually appeared or not.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

  • dwain.c (7/2/2012)

    ChrisM@Work (7/2/2012)* You still have tables neoset_statisticsLocationTypesLangs and neoset_statisticsLocation_types_jt in your

    FROM list, even though neither are referenced in the output, or by any joins, or the WHERE clause.

    Removing them will probably eliminate the requirement for DISTINCT.

    I ran into an interesting case the other day when I was trying to optimize a query. The original writer had included 4 tables in a JOIN that weren't being used at all. Since each JOIN was to a unique record (per row of the left table), it didn't result in any record duplication.

    What I found out was that, after removing those JOINs, it appeared to have 0 impact on the query's execution speed. I'm wondering if the optimizer was smart enough to exclude them from the execution plan. Unfortunately, I didn't look at the plans to see if those 4 tables actually appeared or not.

    It's worth a closer look if you get the opportunity. I know that the optimiser can snip out cascading CROSS APPLYs if they're not referenced in the output list (or anywhere else).

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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