How to do math job with this two table?

  • There are two tables A and B as below.

    TABLE A:




    TABLE B:




    How to do math job with this two table for project's automation?

    I need result like below

    A.201202/B.201202 AS 201202AVERAGE

    A.201203/B.201203 AS 201203AVERAGE

    A.201204/B.201204 AS 201204AVERAGE

    Since these two tables are created using crosstab query, column's name will change dynamacly.

    For example, next month column's name will change to 201203,201204,201205

  • With dynamic sql.

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  • You could use unpivot in this case as follows:

    --Creating Tables

    Create Table A

    (NAME varchar(3),

    [201202] int,

    [201203] int,

    [201204] int )

    Create Table B

    (NAME varchar(3),

    [201202] int,

    [201203] int,

    [201204] int )

    --Inserting Sample Data

    Insert into A

    Select 'BBB', 37038, 39188, 23172

    Union ALL

    Select 'AAA', 34204, 41337, 21618

    Insert Into B

    Select 'BBB', 5, 6, 7

    Union ALL

    Select 'AAA', 3, 9, 4

    --Static UnPivot Type1

    Select NAME, Years, Average From

    (Select A.NAME, (A.[201202]/B.[201202]) As [201202], (A.[201203]/B.[201203]) As [201203], (A.[201204]/B.[201204]) As [201204] From A

    Join B ON A.NAME = B.NAME) As p


    (Average For Years IN ([201202], [201203], [201204])) As u

    Order By NAME

    --Static UnPivot Type2

    Select x.NAME, x.Years, (x.Value/y.Value) As Average From

    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, [201202], [201203], [201204] From A) As p


    (Value For Years In ([201202], [201203], [201204])) As u) As x


    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, [201202], [201203], [201204] From B) As p


    (Value For Years In ([201202], [201203], [201204])) As u) As y ON x.NAME = y.NAME AND x.Years = y.Years

    Order By x.NAME

    --Dynamic UnPivot

    Declare @cols varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)

    Declare @temp Table(Cols varchar(max))

    Insert Into @temp

    Select Distinct x.Years From

    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, [201202], [201203], [201204] From A) As p


    (Value For Years In ([201202], [201203], [201204])) As u) As x


    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, [201202], [201203], [201204] From B) As p


    (Value For Years In ([201202], [201203], [201204])) As u) As y ON x.NAME = y.NAME AND x.Years = y.Years

    Select @cols = Coalesce(@cols + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @temp

    Set @sql = 'Select x.NAME, x.Years, (x.Value/y.Value) As Average From

    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, '+@cols+' From A) As p


    (Value For Years In ('+@cols+')) As u) As x


    (Select NAME, Years, Value From

    (Select NAME, '+@cols+' From B) As p


    (Value For Years In ('+@cols+')) As u) As y ON x.NAME = y.NAME AND x.Years = y.Years

    Order By x.NAME'

    Execute (@sql)

    You could do the Static Unpivot in two ways as shown in the above code. You could either JOIN the tables and then Unpivot the result set or you can Unpivot the two tables and then do a JOIN.

    In the Static sense I think that the "Static Unpivot type1" is easier.

    But, while applying it Dynamically I found that "Static Unpivot Type2" was easier to apply Dynamically.

    Hope this was what you were looking for.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • adonetok (6/8/2012)

    Since these two tables are created using crosstab query, column's name will change dynamacly.

    For example, next month column's name will change to 201203,201204,201205

    The key here is that you're trying to do a calculation AFTER it has been formatted for display using the CROSS TAB. Do the Average calculation BEFORE you do the CROSS TAB.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
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  • Jeff is right, but if you can't change to do what he's saying, then you can also do it this way.

    CREATE TABLE #TABLEA (Name VARCHAR(3), [201202] INT, [201203] INT, [201204] INT)

    CREATE TABLE #TABLEB (Name VARCHAR(3), [201202] INT, [201203] INT, [201204] INT)


    SELECT 'BBB', 37038, 39188, 23172

    UNION ALL SELECT 'AAA', 34204, 41337, 21618


    SELECT 'BBB', 5, 6, 7

    UNION ALL SELECT 'AAA', 3, 9, 4

    -- Static UNPIVOT without using UNPIVOT

    SELECT a.Name, Date, Avg


    INNER JOIN #TABLEB b ON a.Name = b.Name


    SELECT 1. * a.[201202] / b.[201202], 1. * a.[201203] / b.[201203], 1. * a.[201204] / b.[201204]

    ) x([201202], [201203], [201204])


    VALUES ('[201202]', x.[201202]), ('[201203]', x.[201203]), ('[201204]',x.[201204])) y (Date, Avg)


    -- Dynamic UNPIVOT with date column names taken from Dates CTE

    ;WITH Dates (d) AS (SELECT '[201202]' UNION ALL SELECT '[201203]' UNION ALL SELECT '[201204]')

    SELECT @sql = '

    SELECT a.Name, Date, Avg FROM #TABLEA a INNER JOIN #TABLEB b ON a.Name = b.Name


    SELECT ' +


    (SELECT ',1.*a.' + d + '/b.' + d

    FROM Dates

    FOR XML PATH(''), root('MyString'), type

    ).value('/MyString[1]','varchar(max)' )

    , 1, 1, '') + ')x(' +


    (SELECT ',' + d

    FROM Dates

    FOR XML PATH(''), root('MyString'), type

    ).value('/MyString[1]','varchar(max)' )

    , 1, 1, '') + ') CROSS APPLY ( VALUES ' +


    (SELECT ',(''' + d + ''', x.' + d + ')'

    FROM Dates

    FOR XML PATH(''), root('MyString'), type

    ).value('/MyString[1]','varchar(max)' )

    , 1, 1, '') + ') y (Date, Avg)'

    --SELECT @sql

    EXEC (@SQL)


    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
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