I need to combine these two query's

  • I need to combine these two query's to get shipped and received for each year,month in one query. Some months we may not have orders but do have receipts others no receipts but orders for some items.

    SELECT    Datepart(mm, omporderdate)   AS mth ,
    Datepart(yyyy, omporderdate) AS yr ,
    Sum(omlquantityshipped) AS shipped
    FROM salesorders
    LEFT JOIN salesorderlines
    ON omlsalesorderid = ompsalesorderid
    where omlPartID in
    SELECT imppartid
    FROM parts
    WHERE imppartclassid IN ( 'FGI' ,
    'FGP' )
    AND imppartid NOT LIKE'%DC%' )
    and omporderdate >='01-01-2018'

    GROUP BY Datepart(yyyy, omporderdate) ,
    Datepart(mm, omporderdate) ,
    ORDER BY Datepart(yyyy, omporderdate),
    Datepart(mm, omporderdate),
    SELECT Datepart(mm, rmlcreateddate) AS Mth ,
    Datepart(yyyy, rmlcreateddate) AS YR ,
    rmlpartid ,
    Sum(rmlpurchasequantityreceived) AS received
    FROM receipts
    LEFT OUTER JOIN receiptlines
    ON rmlreceiptid = rmpreceiptid
    WHERE rmlpartid IN
    SELECT imppartid
    FROM parts
    WHERE imppartclassid IN ( 'FGI' ,
    'FGP' )
    AND imppartid NOT LIKE'%DC%' )
    and rmlCreatedDate >='01-01-2018'
    GROUP BY Datepart(yyyy, rmlcreateddate) ,
    Datepart(mm, rmlcreateddate) ,
  • SELECT ...

    FROM query1



    FROM query2

  • I think FULL OUTER JOIN is what you need here:

    COALESCE(sales.mth, receipts.mth) AS mth,
    COALESCE(sales.yr, receipts.yr) AS yr,
    COALESCE(sales.omlpartid, receipts.rmlpartid) AS partid,
    sales.shipped AS shipped,
    receipts.received AS received
    FROM (
    SELECT Datepart(mm, omporderdate) AS mth ,
    Datepart(yyyy, omporderdate) AS yr ,
    Sum(omlquantityshipped) AS shipped
    FROM dbo.salesorders
    LEFT JOIN dbo.salesorderlines
    ON omlsalesorderid = ompsalesorderid
    where omlPartID in
    SELECT imppartid
    FROM dbo.parts
    WHERE imppartclassid IN ( 'FGI' ,
    'FGP' )
    AND imppartid NOT LIKE'%DC%' )
    and omporderdate >='01-01-2018'

    GROUP BY Datepart(yyyy, omporderdate) ,
    Datepart(mm, omporderdate) ,
    ) AS sales
    SELECT Datepart(mm, rmlcreateddate) AS Mth ,
    Datepart(yyyy, rmlcreateddate) AS YR ,
    rmlpartid ,
    Sum(rmlpurchasequantityreceived) AS received
    FROM dbo.receipts
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.receiptlines
    ON rmlreceiptid = rmpreceiptid
    WHERE rmlpartid IN
    SELECT imppartid
    FROM dbo.parts
    WHERE imppartclassid IN ( 'FGI' ,
    'FGP' )
    AND imppartid NOT LIKE'%DC%' )
    and rmlCreatedDate >='01-01-2018'
    GROUP BY Datepart(yyyy, rmlcreateddate) ,
    Datepart(mm, rmlcreateddate) ,
    ) AS receipts ON
    sales.mth = receipts.mth AND
    sales.yr = receipts.yr AND
    sales.omlpartid = receipts.rmlpartid

    ORDER BY COALESCE(sales.mth, receipts.mth),
    COALESCE(sales.yr, receipts.yr),
    COALESCE(sales.omlpartid, receipts.rmlpartid)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • Perfect, It works great Thanks

  • You're welcome.  Thanks for the feedback.

    If you would mark it as the answer, it could help people looking at this later, as they will then know the q has been resolved/answered.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

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