SQL JSON Ouptput

  • I have table with code type , code & Value. I want out in json like this way.

    In this example Code type test 1 . I try to do union which not allowing and i dont want to put code type instead i want my own name.



    { "Test1" [

    { "code" : "1",

    "Value" : "2"


    { "code" : "2",

    "Value" : "3"


    "Test2" [

    { "code" : "4",

    "Value" : "5"


    { "code" : "6",

    "Value" : "7"



  • declare @t table(codetype varchar(10), code int, Value int);
    insert into @t(codetype, code, Value)

    N'{' +
    SELECT DISTINCT N',"' + t.codetype + '":' + ca.jsn
    FROM @t AS t
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT t2.code, t2.Value FROM @t t2 WHERE t2.codetype = t.codetype FOR JSON PATH ) ca(jsn)
    FOR XML PATH('')
    ), 1, 1, N''
    ) + N'}'
    AS Result;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Thanks Mark. Really appreciate for fast response. Really help me.

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