Looking for advice on a clustered VM setup of sql server

  • Hi everyone.

    My company will be setting up a clustered instance of SQL server 2k8 r2 on vm's and I wanted to know if anyone had recommendations for a book that could help.

    Normally I lean on the dev side of SQL server but I will be asked to provide input on this project and I'd like to educate myself beforehand.

    We're a financial institution and as such up time is extremely important.

    I'd prefer a book on the subject but I'm OK with material online if it's good.

    Thanks in advance.


  • not sure about books...




    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Check out this link as well.

    Creating a 2 Node SQL Server 2008 Virtual Cluster[/url]


  • If you are planning for 2 node failover cluster..then few things to consider

    1) Storage and how are you planing to store data , log , backup temp files

    2) IP address, you need 2 public ips, 2 private ips and 3 virtual ips

    3) You should have create computer objects in Active directory

    4) Plan the same domain account for both the nodes

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • All,

    I'll check out the links. Thanks for the information!



  • meckeard (4/19/2012)

    Hi everyone.

    My company will be setting up a clustered instance of SQL server 2k8 r2 on vm's and I wanted to know if anyone had recommendations for a book that could help.


    but I'm OK with material online if it's good.

    Thanks in advance.


    I was going to link my popular article on this site but Mohammed beat me to it. If you get stuck with the article post back in the article discussion thread



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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