Hello All,
I need your help in building this query.
create table #memb
(ID int,
eff_dt date,
term_dt date,
prod varchar(5));
insert into #memb
select 1111 , '01/01/2016' , '12/31/2016', 'AAA'
union all
select 1111, '01/01/2017', '12/31/2017', 'AAA'
union all
select 1111, '01/01/2018', '03/31/2021', 'AAA'
union all
select 1112, '01/01/2017', '12/31/2017', 'AAA'
union all
select 1112, '01/01/2018', '05/31/2021', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '02/01/2018', '07/31/2019', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '10/01/2019', '12/31/2019', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '01/01/2020', '02/29/2020', 'AAA'
union all
select 2222, '04/01/2020', '03/31/2021', 'AAA'
union all
select 3333, '01/01/2020', '05/25/2020', 'AAA';
select * from #memb;
drop table #memb;
expected result:
A customer has enrolled into certain subscription and can have gaps in the service.
1111, '01/01/2016', '03/31/2021', 'AAA' -- this customer has no gaps for three subscription periods, so eff_dt should be first line eff_date and term date should be last record term date for this customer with the enrolled product when termed.
1112, '01/01/2017', '05/31/2021', 'BBB' --this customer has no gaps on subscription period, but there is change in product. Should provide the product subscribed when terming the subscription.
2222, '04/01/2020', '03/31/2021', 'AAA' --this customer has gaps in subscription, so should display the most recent non gap period eff date and term date and most recent product subscribed.
3333, '01/01/2020', '05/25/2020', 'AAA' -- this customer has only one record, just subscribed for a few months and cancelled, so should display just that record.
Thank you in advance!
edit: added tags
August 17, 2021 at 4:51 am
Im curious how to solve this properly, the first step might be checking for gaps with the LAG function, but all after that i can think off on the fly gets really messy and ugly.
Also heres the insert for people from EU who MIGHT get a date conversion error and dont want to rewrite the dates by hand.
insert into #memb
select 1111 ,'01/01/2016' ,'31/12/2016', 'AAA'
union all
select 1111, '01/01/2017', '31/12/2017', 'AAA'
union all
select 1111, '01/01/2018', '31/03/2021', 'AAA'
union all
select 1112, '01/01/2017', '31/12/2017', 'AAA'
union all
select 1112, '01/01/2018', '31/05/2021', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '02/01/2018', '31/07/2019', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '01/10/2019', '31/12/2019', 'BBB'
union all
select 2222, '01/01/2020', '29/02/2020', 'AAA'
union all
select 2222, '01/04/2020', '31/03/2021', 'AAA'
union all
select 3333, '01/01/2020', '25/05/2020', 'AAA';
select *
--Term Date of previous Subscription
--When Datediff > 1, there is a gap?
from #memb
where ID = '1111'
I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was
August 17, 2021 at 5:19 am
Thanks for providing consumable data.
1112, '01/01/2017', '05/31/2021', 'BBB' --this customer has no gaps on subscription period, but there is change in product. Should provide the product subscribed when terming the subscription.
In 01/01/2017 the customer subscribed for product 'AAA'. But you want to display the latest subscribed product along with that date.
Is it correct? Just want to make sure
Code for TallyGenerator
If my assumption is correct, then there is a solution.
1st - let's find the latest eff_dt for each customer which is not continuous with a previous subscription period:
select ID, MAX(eff_dt)
from @memb m
where not exists (select * from @memb M1
where M1.ID = M.ID
and M1.eff_dt < M.eff_dt
and M1.term_dt >= dateadd(dd, -1, M.eff_dt)
group by ID
I used table variable instead of temp table, but it does not matter here.
Each of these records is either a fresh start or a restart point for a customer - same thing, according to the requirements.
Then we apply the latest term_dt along with the corresponding product to the records received from the last query:
select ID, MAX(eff_dt) from_dt, L.term_dt, L.Prod
from @memb m
cross apply (select top 1 Term_dt, Prod
from @memb LR
where LR.ID = m.ID
order by Term_dt desc
) L
where not exists (select * from @memb M1
where M1.ID = M.ID
and M1.eff_dt < M.eff_dt
and M1.term_dt >= dateadd(dd, -1, M.eff_dt)
group by ID, L.term_dt, L.Prod
Looks like it's what you need.
Code for TallyGenerator
August 17, 2021 at 8:00 am
or using Windowed functions:
SELECT ID, eff_dt, term_dt, prod
WHEN eff_dt = DATEADD(DAY, 1, LAG(term_dt) OVER (PARTITION BY ID, Prod ORDER BY eff_dt))
FROM #memb
SELECT ID, eff_dt, term_dt, prod
,MIN(eff_dt) AS eff_dt
,MAX(term_dt) AS term_dt
GROUP BY ID, prod, Grp
SELECT ID, eff_dt, term_dt, prod
FROM Terms
SELECT ID, eff_dt, term_dt, prod
WHERE rn = 1;
August 17, 2021 at 10:48 am
Yes, if there are no gaps I have to show the initial eff date and most recent term date with product subscribed when subscription termed.
Thank you!
August 17, 2021 at 8:18 pm
Thank you! You all helped me to learn something new and with the solution.
August 20, 2021 at 5:12 pm
I think Ken wrote his by product before the requirements were clarified, so it misses 1112, '01/01/2017', '05/31/2021', 'BBB' . Oddly, I wrote an R solution in about 3 minutes, then had to test my waning SQL Server skills. We do so much quick-direction-change stuff with public data that I rip stuff with R to build quick Excel calculators that people love. Anyway, SQL Server will always by my first love, even as memory fades. I tried to step through my logical progression and see most bits separately. I'm sure there are more efficient (code writing and performance) ways to do this.
with cte_Combine_Next_Record as -- Look at previous and current records side by side
select ID
, LAG(eff_dt) OVER(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY EFF_DT ASC) as previous_eff_dt
, LAG(term_dt) OVER(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY EFF_DT ASC) as previous_term_dt
, LAG(prod) OVER(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY EFF_DT ASC) as previous_prod
, eff_dt
, term_dt
, prod
, count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY ID) as total_records
from #memb
--order by ID, eff_dt, prod;
), cte_Find_Gaps as -- just adding a comparison flag (Gap_Found) between the previous term_dt and the current eff_date
select *
, case when previous_eff_dt is null or DATEDIFF(D, previous_term_dt, eff_dt) = 1
then 0
else 1
end as Gap_Found
from cte_Combine_Next_Record
--order by ID, eff_dt, prod;
), cte_Find_Groups as -- Using the comparison flag (Gap_Found) created above to number the groups of continuous subscription dates.
-- I drop records with no previous record since the previous dates. "previous_eff_dt is not null"
-- Note the specific inclusion of singular records for case like ID 3333. "total_records = 1"
select *
, sum(Gap_Found) over(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY EFF_DT ASC rows unbounded preceding) as Group_Number
from cte_Find_Gaps
where total_records = 1 or previous_eff_dt is not null
), cte_Find_Continuous_Periods as -- Here, aggregate across ID and Group_Number to get the full continous period range (eff_dt to term_dt)
-- Also, number the groups using Row_Number() to find the Latest_Sbuscription
select ID, Group_Number
, min(case when total_records=1 or Gap_Found=1 then eff_dt else previous_eff_dt end) as eff_dt
, max(term_dt) as term_dt
, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY Group_Number desc) as Latest_Subscription
from cte_Find_Groups
group by ID, Group_Number
--order by ID, eff_dt
) -- Now join each set of continous periods back to the groups to get the prod matching the latest eff_dt.
-- Also, filtering for the Latest_Subscription.
select cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.ID
, cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.eff_dt
, cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.term_dt
, cte_Find_Groups.prod
from cte_Find_Continuous_Periods inner join cte_Find_Groups
on cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.ID = cte_Find_Groups.ID
and cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.term_dt = cte_Find_Groups.term_dt
where cte_Find_Continuous_Periods.Latest_Subscription = 1
order by ID, eff_dt, prod;
September 2, 2021 at 10:26 am
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September 7, 2021 at 8:06 pm
Thank you jschmidt! I combined Sergiy & Ken's solution to get what I needed. You query laid it out in detail.
Thank you all!
December 3, 2021 at 11:23 am
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