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Script to create demo database and load data for statistics and R


Make sure you have a working install of SQL Server 2016. The size of the database is only 8 MB.

USE [master]


/****** Object: Database [WorldHealth] Script Date: 7/15/2016 4:44:58 PM ******/




( NAME = N’WorldHealth’, FILENAME = N’D:\DATA\WorldHealth.mdf’ , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )


( NAME = N’WorldHealth_log’, FILENAME = N’D:\Log\WorldHealth_log.ldf’ , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB )




USE [WorldHealth]


/****** Object: Table [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] Script Date: 7/15/2016 4:41:49 PM ******/







CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy](

[Country] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Year] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Gender] [varchar](50) NULL,

[Age] [numeric](18, 2) NULL





INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Afghanistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Albania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Algeria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Angola’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(38.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Antigua and Barbuda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Argentina’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Armenia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Australia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Austria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Azerbaijan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahamas’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahrain’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bangladesh’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Barbados’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belarus’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belgium’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belize’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Benin’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(47.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bhutan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bolivia (Plurinational State of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bosnia and Herzegovina’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Botswana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brazil’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brunei Darussalam’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bulgaria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burkina Faso’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burundi’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cote d”Ivoire’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cabo Verde’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cambodia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cameroon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Canada’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Central African Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chad’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chile’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’China’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Colombia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Comoros’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(50.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Congo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Costa Rica’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Croatia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cuba’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cyprus’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Czech Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic People”s Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(55.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic Republic of the Congo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Denmark’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Djibouti’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Dominican Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ecuador’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Egypt’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’El Salvador’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Equatorial Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Eritrea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(34.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Estonia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ethiopia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Fiji’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Finland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’France’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gabon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gambia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Georgia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Germany’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ghana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Greece’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Grenada’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guatemala’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea-Bissau’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(44.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guyana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Haiti’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Honduras’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Hungary’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iceland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’India’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Indonesia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iran (Islamic Republic of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iraq’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ireland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Israel’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Italy’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jamaica’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Japan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(70.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jordan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kazakhstan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kenya’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(44.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kiribati’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kuwait’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kyrgyzstan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lao People”s Democratic Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Latvia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lebanon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lesotho’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Liberia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Libya’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lithuania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Luxembourg’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Madagascar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malawi’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(36.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malaysia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Maldives’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mali’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malta’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritius’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mexico’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Micronesia (Federated States of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mongolia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Montenegro’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Morocco’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mozambique’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Myanmar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Namibia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nepal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Netherlands’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’New Zealand’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nicaragua’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Niger’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nigeria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(40.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Norway’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Oman’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Pakistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Panama’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Papua New Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Paraguay’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Peru’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Philippines’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Poland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Portugal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Qatar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Moldova’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Romania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Russian Federation’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Rwanda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(35.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Lucia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Samoa’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sao Tome and Principe’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saudi Arabia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Senegal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Serbia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Seychelles’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sierra Leone’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(33.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Singapore’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovakia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovenia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Solomon Islands’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Somalia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Africa’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Spain’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sri Lanka’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Suriname’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Swaziland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sweden’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Switzerland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Syrian Arab Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tajikistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Thailand’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Macedonia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Timor-Leste’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(50.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Togo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(47.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tonga’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Trinidad and Tobago’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tunisia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkey’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkmenistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uganda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ukraine’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Arab Emirates’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Kingdom’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Republic of Tanzania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United States of America’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uruguay’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uzbekistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Vanuatu’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Venezuela’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Viet Nam’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Yemen’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(52.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zambia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(36.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zimbabwe’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Afghanistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Albania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Algeria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Angola’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(38.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Antigua and Barbuda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Argentina’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Armenia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Australia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Austria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Azerbaijan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahamas’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahrain’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bangladesh’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Barbados’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belarus’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belgium’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belize’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Benin’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(47.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bhutan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bolivia (Plurinational State of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bosnia and Herzegovina’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Botswana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brazil’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brunei Darussalam’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bulgaria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burkina Faso’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burundi’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cote d”Ivoire’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cabo Verde’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cambodia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cameroon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Canada’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Central African Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chad’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chile’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’China’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Colombia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Comoros’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(50.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Congo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Costa Rica’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Croatia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cuba’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cyprus’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Czech Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic People”s Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(55.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic Republic of the Congo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Denmark’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Djibouti’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Dominican Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ecuador’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Egypt’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’El Salvador’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Equatorial Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Eritrea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(34.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Estonia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ethiopia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Fiji’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Finland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’France’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gabon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gambia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Georgia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Germany’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ghana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Greece’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Grenada’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guatemala’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(45.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea-Bissau’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(44.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guyana’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Haiti’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Honduras’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Hungary’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iceland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’India’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Indonesia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iran (Islamic Republic of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iraq’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ireland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Israel’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Italy’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jamaica’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Japan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(70.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jordan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kazakhstan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kenya’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(44.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kiribati’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kuwait’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kyrgyzstan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lao People”s Democratic Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Latvia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lebanon’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lesotho’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Liberia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Libya’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lithuania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Luxembourg’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Madagascar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malawi’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(36.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malaysia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Maldives’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mali’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malta’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritius’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mexico’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Micronesia (Federated States of)’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mongolia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Montenegro’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Morocco’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mozambique’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Myanmar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Namibia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nepal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Netherlands’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’New Zealand’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nicaragua’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Niger’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(43.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nigeria’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(40.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Norway’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Oman’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Pakistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Panama’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Papua New Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(51.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Paraguay’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Peru’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Philippines’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Poland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Portugal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Qatar’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Moldova’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Romania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Russian Federation’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Rwanda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(35.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Lucia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Samoa’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sao Tome and Principe’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saudi Arabia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Senegal’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Serbia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Seychelles’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sierra Leone’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(33.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Singapore’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovakia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovenia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Solomon Islands’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(58.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Somalia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Africa’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(48.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Spain’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sri Lanka’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(49.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Suriname’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Swaziland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(41.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sweden’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(68.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Switzerland’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Syrian Arab Republic’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tajikistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Thailand’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(61.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Macedonia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Timor-Leste’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(50.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Togo’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(47.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tonga’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Trinidad and Tobago’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tunisia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkey’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkmenistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(54.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uganda’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ukraine’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(56.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Arab Emirates’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Kingdom’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Republic of Tanzania’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(42.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United States of America’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(65.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uruguay’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uzbekistan’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(57.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Vanuatu’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Venezuela’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(60.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Viet Nam’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Yemen’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(52.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zambia’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(36.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zimbabwe’, N’2000′, N’Male’, CAST(39.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Afghanistan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Albania’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Algeria’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Angola’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(47.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Antigua and Barbuda’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Argentina’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Armenia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Australia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Austria’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Azerbaijan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahamas’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahrain’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bangladesh’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Barbados’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belarus’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belgium’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belize’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Benin’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bhutan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(61.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bolivia (Plurinational State of)’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(64.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bosnia and Herzegovina’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Botswana’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brazil’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brunei Darussalam’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bulgaria’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burkina Faso’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burundi’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cote d”Ivoire’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(47.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cabo Verde’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cambodia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cameroon’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(51.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Canada’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Central African Republic’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(47.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chad’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(47.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chile’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’China’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Colombia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Comoros’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Congo’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Costa Rica’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Croatia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cuba’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cyprus’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Czech Republic’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic People”s Republic of Korea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic Republic of the Congo’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Denmark’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Djibouti’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Dominican Republic’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ecuador’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Egypt’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’El Salvador’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Equatorial Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Eritrea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Estonia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ethiopia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Fiji’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Finland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’France’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(74.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gabon’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gambia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(54.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Georgia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Germany’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ghana’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(56.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Greece’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Grenada’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guatemala’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(64.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(51.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea-Bissau’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guyana’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Haiti’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(56.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Honduras’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Hungary’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iceland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’India’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Indonesia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iran (Islamic Republic of)’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iraq’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ireland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Israel’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Italy’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jamaica’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Japan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(77.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jordan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kazakhstan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kenya’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(57.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kiribati’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kuwait’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kyrgyzstan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lao People”s Democratic Republic’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Latvia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lebanon’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lesotho’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(47.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Liberia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Libya’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lithuania’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Luxembourg’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Madagascar’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malawi’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malaysia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Maldives’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mali’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(50.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malta’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritania’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritius’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mexico’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Micronesia (Federated States of)’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mongolia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Montenegro’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Morocco’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mozambique’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(50.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Myanmar’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Namibia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(59.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nepal’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Netherlands’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’New Zealand’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nicaragua’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Niger’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(54.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nigeria’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(48.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Norway’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Oman’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Pakistan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Panama’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Papua New Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Paraguay’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Peru’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Philippines’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Poland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(71.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Portugal’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Qatar’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Korea’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(75.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Moldova’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Romania’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Russian Federation’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Rwanda’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Lucia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Samoa’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sao Tome and Principe’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(60.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saudi Arabia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(64.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Senegal’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(59.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Serbia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Seychelles’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sierra Leone’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(44.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Singapore’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(75.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovakia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovenia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Solomon Islands’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Somalia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(48.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Africa’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(56.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Sudan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(50.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Spain’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(74.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sri Lanka’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sudan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(56.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Suriname’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(64.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Swaziland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(52.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sweden’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(73.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Switzerland’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(74.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Syrian Arab Republic’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tajikistan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Thailand’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Macedonia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Timor-Leste’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Togo’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tonga’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Trinidad and Tobago’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tunisia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkey’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkmenistan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(63.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uganda’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(55.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ukraine’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(67.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Arab Emirates’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Kingdom ‘, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(72.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Republic of Tanzania’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(55.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United States of America’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uruguay’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(70.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uzbekistan’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(65.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Vanuatu’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(66.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Venezuela’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Viet Nam’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(69.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Yemen’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(58.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zambia’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zimbabwe’, N’2015′, N’Female’, CAST(53.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Afghanistan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(48.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Albania’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Algeria’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Angola’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(40.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Antigua and Barbuda’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Argentina’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Armenia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Australia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Austria’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Azerbaijan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahamas’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahrain’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bangladesh’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(56.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Barbados’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belarus’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belgium’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belize’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Benin’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(48.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bhutan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bolivia (Plurinational State of)’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(56.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bosnia and Herzegovina’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Botswana’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(41.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brazil’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brunei Darussalam’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bulgaria’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burkina Faso’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(44.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burundi’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(45.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cote d”Ivoire’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(42.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cabo Verde’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cambodia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(48.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cameroon’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(45.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Canada’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Central African Republic’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(40.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chad’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(42.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chile’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’China’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Colombia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Comoros’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(53.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Congo’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(46.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Costa Rica’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Croatia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cuba’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cyprus’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Czech Republic’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic People”s Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic Republic of the Congo’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(45.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Denmark’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Djibouti’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(51.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Dominican Republic’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ecuador’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Egypt’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’El Salvador’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Equatorial Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(47.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Eritrea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(44.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Estonia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ethiopia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(46.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Fiji’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Finland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’France’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(72.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gabon’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gambia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(49.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Georgia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Germany’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ghana’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(51.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Greece’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Grenada’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guatemala’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(60.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(46.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea-Bissau’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(46.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guyana’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(59.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Haiti’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Honduras’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Hungary’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iceland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’India’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(54.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Indonesia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(60.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iran (Islamic Republic of)’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iraq’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ireland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Israel’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Italy’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jamaica’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Japan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(75.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jordan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kazakhstan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kenya’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(46.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kiribati’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(58.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kuwait’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kyrgyzstan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lao People”s Democratic Republic’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Latvia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lebanon’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lesotho’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Liberia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(44.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Libya’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lithuania’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Luxembourg’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Madagascar’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(51.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malawi’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(37.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malaysia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Maldives’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mali’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malta’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritania’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritius’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mexico’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Micronesia (Federated States of)’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(60.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mongolia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(59.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Montenegro’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Morocco’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mozambique’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Myanmar’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(56.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Namibia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(50.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nepal’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Netherlands’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’New Zealand’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nicaragua’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(60.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Niger’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nigeria’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(41.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Norway’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Oman’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Pakistan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(54.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Panama’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Papua New Guinea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(54.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Paraguay’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Peru’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Philippines’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Poland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Portugal’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Qatar’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Korea’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Moldova’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Romania’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Russian Federation’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Rwanda’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(44.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Lucia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Samoa’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sao Tome and Principe’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(56.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saudi Arabia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Senegal’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(51.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Serbia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Seychelles’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sierra Leone’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(34.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Singapore’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovakia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovenia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(69.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Solomon Islands’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(59.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Somalia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(44.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Africa’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Spain’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sri Lanka’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sudan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(52.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Suriname’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Swaziland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(42.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sweden’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Switzerland’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Syrian Arab Republic’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tajikistan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(59.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Thailand’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Macedonia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Timor-Leste’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Togo’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(48.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tonga’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Trinidad and Tobago’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(64.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tunisia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkey’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkmenistan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(60.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uganda’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(40.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ukraine’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Arab Emirates’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(66.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Kingdom’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(70.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Republic of Tanzania’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(43.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United States of America’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uruguay’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(68.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uzbekistan’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(62.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Vanuatu’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Venezuela’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Viet Nam’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(65.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Yemen’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(53.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zambia’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(39.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zimbabwe’, N’2000′, N’Female’, CAST(39.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Afghanistan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Albania’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Algeria’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Angola’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(44.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Antigua and Barbuda’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Argentina’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Armenia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Australia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Austria’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Azerbaijan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahamas’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bahrain’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bangladesh’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Barbados’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belarus’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belgium’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(69.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Belize’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Benin’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bhutan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bolivia (Plurinational State of)’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bosnia and Herzegovina’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Botswana’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(55.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brazil’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Brunei Darussalam’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(69.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Bulgaria’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burkina Faso’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Burundi’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cote d”Ivoire’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(46.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cabo Verde’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cambodia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(55.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cameroon’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(49.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Canada’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Central African Republic’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(44.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chad’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(45.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Chile’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’China’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(67.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Colombia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Comoros’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Congo’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(55.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Costa Rica’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Croatia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(67.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cuba’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Cyprus’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Czech Republic’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(67.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic People”s Republic of Korea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Democratic Republic of the Congo’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Denmark’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Djibouti’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Dominican Republic’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ecuador’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Egypt’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’El Salvador’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Equatorial Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Eritrea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Estonia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ethiopia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Fiji’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Finland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(69.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’France’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gabon’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(56.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Gambia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(53.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Georgia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Germany’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(69.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ghana’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Greece’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Grenada’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guatemala’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guinea-Bissau’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Guyana’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Haiti’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Honduras’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Hungary’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iceland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’India’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(58.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Indonesia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iran (Islamic Republic of)’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Iraq’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(58.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ireland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Israel’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Italy’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jamaica’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Japan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(72.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Jordan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kazakhstan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kenya’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kiribati’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(56.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kuwait’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Kyrgyzstan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lao People”s Democratic Republic’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(56.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Latvia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lebanon’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lesotho’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(45.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Liberia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Libya’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Lithuania’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Luxembourg’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Madagascar’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(55.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malawi’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malaysia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Maldives’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mali’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Malta’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritania’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mauritius’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mexico’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Micronesia (Federated States of)’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mongolia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(58.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Montenegro’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Morocco’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Mozambique’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(48.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Myanmar’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Namibia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(55.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nepal’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Netherlands’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’New Zealand’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nicaragua’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Niger’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(53.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Nigeria’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(46.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Norway’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Oman’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Pakistan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Panama’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(66.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Papua New Guinea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Paraguay’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Peru’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Philippines’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(58.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Poland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Portugal’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(69.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Qatar’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(67.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Korea’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Republic of Moldova’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Romania’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Russian Federation’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Rwanda’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Lucia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Samoa’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sao Tome and Principe’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Saudi Arabia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Senegal’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Serbia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Seychelles’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sierra Leone’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(43.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Singapore’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovakia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Slovenia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Solomon Islands’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Somalia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(46.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Africa’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’South Sudan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(49.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Spain’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sri Lanka’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sudan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(54.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Suriname’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Swaziland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(49.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Sweden’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Switzerland’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(71.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Syrian Arab Republic’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tajikistan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Thailand’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.80 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Macedonia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Timor-Leste’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Togo’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tonga’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Trinidad and Tobago’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(61.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Tunisia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkey’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(64.50 AS Numeric(18, 2)))


INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Turkmenistan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(56.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uganda’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(53.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Ukraine’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(60.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Arab Emirates’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(68.00 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Kingdom’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(70.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United Republic of Tanzania’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(52.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’United States of America’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(67.70 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uruguay’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(65.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Uzbekistan’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(59.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Vanuatu’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.40 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Venezuela’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(62.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Viet Nam’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(63.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Yemen’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(57.10 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zambia’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(51.60 AS Numeric(18, 2)))

INSERT [dbo].[WHO_LifeExpectancy] ([Country], [Year], [Gender], [Age]) VALUES (N’Zimbabwe’, N’2015′, N’Male’, CAST(50.90 AS Numeric(18, 2)))



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