Storing XML in a Data Warehouse

  • Hi - we're starting to require a bit more flexibility from our Data Warehouse to return more information for a single data point.

    The Warehouse primarily stores server performance data & at the moment the schema is heavily de-normalised with just a single numeric fact for each data point (e.g. CPU%)

    However we are now looking at more complex data such as Top 10 Exchange Mailbox users.

    One way of achieving this would be to create a new fact table with just the (composite) primary key & have an XML column in this new table to store more complex data.

    This would offer a great deal of flexibilty & would only be used in a very small number of scenarios.

    Am I mad to consider this?? this seems like a nice solution - has anyone else tried something similar?

    Users will not have the ability to search on the XML data - it will just be returned as a whole during a normal time range based query.

    I hope this makes some kind of sense - I'd be realy interested to hear people's opinions.....


  • Why not create a normalized schema for the data so that it can more easily be validated and queried? I don't understand what advantage you think XML has in a data warehouse.

  • It's possible to query data warehouse tables using standard TSQL. This would keep you from having to create a second set of items. You could also consider creating a query as a view.

    SSAS cubes have a query language, MDX, that allows you to query cubes. It's not the easiest language, but there are guides out to help.

  • I'm with David - I don't understand either what flexibility or advantage you think XML will bring to the table in a data warehouse environment.

    In my case I'll suggest to go with a true dimensional model - FACTs are unique, not a good idea to have multiple FACT tables describing the same data; if that's the solution then chances are there is a big flaw on the basic design.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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