running total in a hierarchy

  • Hi Folks,

    I have requirement to add up an integer value in a hierarchy for each node with it's subnodes totaling the value at the root. This seems like a running total type operation but I am stymied by the parent child relationships.

    Example Data:


    189, 0, 5

    190, 189, 10

    191, 189, 2

    192, 191, 5

    I need to calculate the totals such that I have a new integer column that contains the sum of it's CTR column with all of it's descendants.

    ID, PARENT_ID, CTR, SUM_descendants

    189, 0, 5, 22 (5+10+7)

    190, 189, 10, 10

    191, 189, 2, 7 (2+5)

    192, 191, 5, 5

    I think I should be able to use a RANK() and use this in a COALESCE subquery but I'm just not putting it together.

    Any ideas would be helpful.

    Best Regards,

    Mark Tierney

  • Would help if you provide DDL and data setup scripts...

    Please follow the link in my signature where you will find details.

    Otherwise, you will need to wait for someone who has time to do some "dirty" work for you, and it may take longer than anticipated 😀

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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • My apologies vis-a-vis etiquette:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ancestor](

    [id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [parent_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [language_id] [int] NULL,

    [level] [int] NULL,

    [ctr] [int] NULL,

    [total] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    alter table ancestor add constraint pk_ancestor primary key clustered(id,parent_id)


    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(189,0,55,1,12)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(190,189,55,2,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(191,189,55,2,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(192,189,55,2,13)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(193,189,55,2,4)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(194,189,55,2,5)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(195,189,55,2,1)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(218,189,55,2,3)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(260,218,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(205,194,55,3,5)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(206,194,55,3,4)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(207,194,55,3,8)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(208,194,55,3,8)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(209,194,55,3,7)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(210,194,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(203,193,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(204,193,55,3,10)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(259,193,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(201,192,55,3,8)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(202,192,55,3,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(233,192,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(199,191,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(200,191,55,3,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(196,190,55,3,14)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(197,190,55,3,17)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(198,190,55,3,9)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(234,233,55,4,4)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(236,233,55,4,4)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(237,233,55,4,5)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(238,233,55,4,4)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(249,204,55,4,3)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(250,204,55,4,3)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(251,204,55,4,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(252,207,55,4,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(253,207,55,4,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(254,207,55,4,2)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(255,207,55,4,1)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(261,260,55,4,1)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(262,260,55,4,0)

    insert into ancestor (id,parent_id,language_id,level,ctr) values(263,260,55,4,0)


    This is a representative table and setup data. What I am trying to achieve is to update the TOTAL column with the sum of the primary key's CTR column and all of it's descendant's CTR values.

    For example, PK 252/207's TOTAL would be 2 as it has no descendants but PK 207/194 would be it's CTR value 8 + the sum of all the PK's whose PARENT_ID = 207. Further, I'd like to continue that up the line to the root id of 189/0.

    I have to use the SUBQUERY w/SUM "Celko Method" by:

    select,a.parent_id,a.language_id, a.ctr,

    coalesce((select sum(ctr) from ancestor where parent_id >= a.parent_id and id >= and level >= a.level),0)

    as total

    from ancestor a

    but my sums are being done in the wrong order. Have also tried to RANK() the data by PARENT_ID which get's me close but I'm still off.

    Any thoughts would be welcome.

    Best Regards,

    Mark Tierney

  • Thanks Joe.

    In the short term, I cannot change the DDL based on where we are in our development cycle. I heartily agree that the recursive approach is confusing (one of the reasons I posted this). This DDL is representative and, column names have been changed to protect the innocent :-), not the exact DDL that I am using in my database.

    Any idea out there how I may be able to approach this in the short term?

    Best Regards,

    Mark Tierney

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