Extracting the db name from log file

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to grab some stats on Database up time. I can't seem to get this to parse out the last two characters though. Any thoughts?

    Create Table #TmpLog(LogDate datetime, ProcessInfo varchar(255), TextStr varchar(7000))

    INSERT #TmpLog exec master.dbo.sp_readerrorlog

    Select SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(TextStr)),23,LEN(TextStr)-2) as 'DatabaseName'

    ,LogDate as 'Up Since'

    ,DATEDIFF(DAY,LogDate,GETDATE()) as 'days online'

    ,DATEDIFF(HH,LogDate,GETDATE()) as 'Hours Online'

    from #TmpLog

    WHERE TextStr like '%Starting up database%'

    Drop table #TmpLog

  • It looks like if I insert the first parsed field into another temp table, I can slice the right part off.

  • That will only work of the errorlog file hasn't been rolled over ( more than your number of kept files )

    If your database has "autoclose off" - which I hope you have, you could as well check your instance startup time.


    -- how to determin SQLServer Uptime

    -- zie Tracking Uptime by Brian Moran http://www.winnetmag.com/SQLServer/Article/ArticleID/38042/SQLServer_38042.html


    -- dd 20060912 JOBI - aangepast voor SQL2005 (DMV)


    SELECT @@servername as ServerName, datediff(mi, login_time, getdate()) as SQLServer_UpTime_Minutes

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions

    WHERE session_id = 1


    SELECT @@servername as ServerName, login_time as StartUp_DateTime

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions

    WHERE session_id = 1


    SELECT @@servername as ServerName, getdate() - login_time as SQLServer_UpDateTime_1900_01_01

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions

    WHERE session_id = 1



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  • The last parameter in SUBSTRING() is number of characters, not the ending position. If the length of the string is 30, you're asking for 28 characters from an 8 character substring, so you're getting the entire rest of the string.

    Try the following instead.

    Select SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(TextStr)),23,LEN(TextStr)-24) as 'DatabaseName'

    ,LogDate as 'Up Since'

    ,DATEDIFF(DAY,LogDate,GETDATE()) as 'days online'

    ,DATEDIFF(HH,LogDate,GETDATE()) as 'Hours Online'

    from #TmpLog

    WHERE TextStr like '%Starting up database%'


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • ALZDBA Your solutions is certainly simpler and warrants looking into. Is there a way to incorporate that to look at individual databases as opposed to singluar servers?

    Drew I see that now. This did work, but when testing this by taking test databases offline and back online, it appears to be different lengths. I would imagine this has to do with how SQL server parses the error log when using the sp_readerrorlog. See below

    Create Table #TmpLog(LogDate datetime, ProcessInfo varchar(255), TextStr varchar(7000))

    INSERT #TmpLog exec master.dbo.sp_readerrorlog

    create table #ParcedErrorLog (eventTime datetime, TextStr varchar(7000))

    Select *,LEN(TextStr), SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(TextStr)),23,LEN(TextStr)-24)

    from #TmpLog

    where TextStr Like '%Starting%DWM%'


    2011-06-07 11:54:45.180,spid14s,Starting up database 'DWM_DB'.,30,DWM_DB

    2011-06-08 11:31:17.360,spid57,Starting up database 'DWM_DB'.,32,DWM_DB'.

  • If you mean adding the db name to the result rows ...

    SELECT @@servername as ServerName, getdate() - S.login_time as SQLServer_UpDateTime_1900_01_01

    , D.name as DbName

    FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions S

    cross apply sys.databases D

    WHERE S.session_id = 1


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  • ALZDBA (6/8/2011)

    If you mean adding the db name to the result rows ...

    Does this show you the actual start time of all databases? What if one database goes offline?

  • No, it doesn't

    It shows the actual startup time of the instance and just adds the database names at row level.

    If you really seek for db startup, you may be able to find that by subscribing to the appropriate sqlserver event.

    I don't think you'll find it in the db related dmv.

    Relying on sqlserver errorlog or the default trace file(s) is ( imho ) not usable for "dynamic" querying of this data, so you should persist it yourself if needed.

    Errorlog and default trc can be rolledforward by switch commands ( e.g. errorlog.1 , 123.trc ) so may no longer exist when you request the info and a number of switch commands have been issued.


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  • Thank you, I will look into it

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