Correct inner join

  • table 1 and table 2


    ID MACId

    5 1

    5 2

    5 3

    5 4


    ID MACId

    5 1

    5 2

    5 4

    How can I write select statment

    I want to select all records from table 1 inner joint by Id,but I don't want records if they have the same MACID, so my result should be 5 3

    This is what I did:

    SELECT dbo.Table_1.macid

    FROM dbo.Table_1 INNER JOIN

    dbo.Table_2 ON =

    WHERE (1 = 1) AND (dbo.Table_1.macid NOT IN

    (SELECT MacId

    FROM dbo.Table_2 AS Table_2_1))

    I sthis correct?

    Thank you

  • Not quite, you are joining on on one part and filtering with the other

    Try this

    SELECT a.[ID],a.MACId

    FROM dbo.Table_1 a

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Table_2 b WHERE b.[ID]=a.[ID] AND b.MACId=a.MACId)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • thank you

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