Transaction Log Failure - Operating system error 1394(there is no user session key for the specified logon session.)

  • I have transaction logs that run every 15 min. During one of the sessions one of my databases failed to create a .trn to my specified directory. Prior to and after this transaction log job all other transaction log jobs have run successful. Does anyone know what this error means?

    BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device '\\...trn'. Operating system error 1394(There is no user session key for the specified logon session.).

    I have plenty of disk space within this directory. Could there potentially be an issue with one of the registry keys on my SQL Server?

  • I've gotten the same error on two different servers within a minute of each other. Same situation with transaction backup logs. It happens once every couple of weeks or so. Very intermittent

    Not sure what's going on.

    Dennis Parks

  • I'm suspecting a Windows update recently broke something as this has never happened before a month ago.

    Dennis Parks

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