Blog Post

BREXIT…IT professionals need a plan… much like the UK government


The events that have unfolded over the last few days since the shock result that the BRExit referendum delivered, has, quite rightly caused a huge amount of press coverage in the UK. The remain camp are very upset and angry at the result, mainly because they can see possible negative connotations that BREXIT and leaving the European Union might bring in economic and social circumstances to people in the United Kingdom. The leave group seems quite shocked that they have actually won and got the outcome that they wanted.

It seems that the result came as a shock to everyone especially the leave group. Having got the result they wanted however, they don’t actually seem to know what to do next and nobody it turns  out actually has a plan for what to do next. With potentially  3 months of a sitting duck Prime Minister and nothing actually happening doesn’t sound like a great plan…more likely 3 months of uncertainty, political wrangling and of course Boris.

I read a great Facebook post over the weekend from a remain supporter who suggested in a rather satirical way that we, the UK, now we are up the smelly creek, we are in need of a paddle. That is we need a plan for the future and called out to various different people and groups involved in the political process suggesting what each should do and what contributions they need to make next to make BREXIT work for everyone. Including the 16 million or so people who voted to remain in the European Union.

I was in a telephone conversation on Friday morning and like so many conversations I had Friday it started with the referendum result…moving the conversation on to proper work my friend and colleague said “Lets talk about something that we can control” which got me thinking…With so much uncertainty about the next few months, a government vacuum around the exit strategy, uncertainty around who will actually be Prime Minister and the opposition party in melt-down and a general lack of strategic plan, its bound to leave IT professionals whether they were for ‘in’ or ‘out’ or ‘didn’t know what to do for the best’ worried about their future and what it may entail.

Whatever happens with BRExit, if article 50 ever gets triggered or not, the UK leaving the EU is not something many of us will have direct control over. However, if you are an IT professional with a clear career plan you will still have a successful future. This you CAN and SHOULD control.  Despite the political campaigns of both leave and remain suggesting to the contrary, BREXIT or staying in the EU should not represent Armageddon or Doomsday. Change always brings opportunity, and if approached correctly arming yourself with the appropriate skills and knowledge that allows you to add value you will still have a bright and successful future. Read blogs and websites, read books and if you can get some training in the technology that you’ll be working with going forward get it. Make yourself valuable and I think you’ll have a very successful future.

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