Query works although subquery produces an error

  • I found an interesting behaviour in SQL Server 2008:

    I have a query like this: (I know it could be written better, but some colleague did this :-))

    select count(*)

    from dbo.Table1 t1

    where t1.Field1 in

    (select Field2 from dbo.Table2 where Field3 = 1)

    The problem now is:

    dbo.Table2 does not contain the Field2, the subquery, executed isolated, simply produces an error.

    But: if I execute the whole query, it runs without any error and returns all rows of dbo.Table1, just the way if I hadn't had the where-clause at all!

    Is there some DB-Option or anything else which I don't know?

    Well, the colleague managed to delete all rows in a table using this syntax...

  • select count(*)

    from dbo.Table1 t1

    where t1.Field1 in

    (select Field2 from dbo.Table2 where Field3 = 1)


    Its because of your in operator. Which means if its in the list then ok else return whatever remaining.

    For example, If you run this query :-

    select * from sysjobs s1 where s1.name in

    (select name from sys.databases where name = 4)

    you will see 0 result but no error. And if you run the subquery you will get the error as 'conversion failed..........................'

    hope it clears your doubt.


  • Nothing unusual about this at all.

    When you have a subquery it's completely valid to reference columns from the outer table inside the subquery. If it wasn't it would be impossible to write correlated subqueries.

    The reference to Field2 will only throw an error is there is no column within the current scope that matches that name. There is such a column, it's just not in the table you thought it was.

    This is another reason why it is recommended to qualify all columns with the table names. The following would throw an error.

    select count(*)

    from dbo.Table1 t1

    where t1.Field1 in

    (select t2.Field2 from dbo.Table2 t2 where t2.Field3 = 1)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • Thanks for your replies.

    Didn't know about this, but one never stops learning new things 🙂

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