I have a file in this format "Vendor_ABC_Pro_20210422T205535". In this file, we have this datetime 20210422T205535. I need 205535 (hhmmss) from this format 20210422T205535 after T. Can you please help on this?
May 12, 2021 at 4:51 am
I think this works... <g> Oh right... the DATEADD stuff is just to confirm that it's actually a date at that point. It is. <g>
use tempdb;
DECLARE @FileString VARCHAR(30) = 'Vendor_ABC_Pro_20210422T205535';
DECLARE @DateString CHAR(12);
DECLARE @Yr CHAR(4), @Mo CHAR(2), @Day CHAR(2);
-- return the date 20210422 (8 characters to the left of the letter T)
DECLARE @Pos INT = CHARINDEX('T',@FileString,1)
SET @DateString = SUBSTRING(@FileString,@Pos-8,8);
SET @Yr = LEFT(@DateString,4);
SET @Mo = SUBSTRING(@DateString,5,2);
SET @Day = SUBSTRING(@DateString,7,2);
PRINT 'Date: ' + @DateString;
PRINT 'Year: ' + @Yr;
PRINT 'Month: ' + @Mo;
PRINT 'Day: ' + @Day;
May 12, 2021 at 5:50 am
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry, One small correction. File Name is " Vendor_ABC_Pro_20210422T205535_Region_20210422_20210422.json".
In this file, we have this datetime 20210422T205535. I need 205535 (hhmmss) from this format 20210422T205535 after T. Can you please help on this?
Appreciate your help!
I think that searching just for the first occurrence of the letter T is not good, because you can also have a file that has the letter T in it's name. Because of that I think that it is better to use the function patindex to look for the first occurrence of the pattern of 8 numbers then T then 6 numbers.
DECLARE @FileString VARCHAR(100) = 'Vendotr_ABC_12T34_Pro_20210422T205535';
DECLARE @Pos INT = patindex('%[0-3[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]T[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%',@FileString) + 8
select SUBSTRING(@FileString, @Pos,6), @Pos
May 12, 2021 at 1:45 pm
Thanks Adi Cohn,
You are given solution that is really helpful to me.
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