November 12, 2010 at 5:36 am
Hello all,
I am new to sql server so please bare with me.
I have a table call GEO
create table GEO
(supplied_Adrressline nvarchar(100),
Clean_country nvarchar(100),
Clean_city nvarchar(100),
clean_region nvarchar(100),
clean_postcode nvarchar(100),
clean_addressline nvarchar(100)
insert into geo(supplied_addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode)
values ( '17 churchstreet 7000','Australia','Melbourne','ME','7000')
('10 Downing London HA2 9DR Street','United Kingdom','London','COF','HA2 9DR')
('NG6 ILP Middlesex 29 Minehead Road Sao Paulo','Brazil','Sao Paulo','Middlesex','NG6 1LP');
I want to update GEO with clean_addresslines set to
17 churchstreet
10 Downing Street
29 MInehead Road.
so want clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode columns to look in supplied_addressline and clean the addressline by removing the bits which are already in clean_columns and set to clean_addressline.
Any help is really appreciated.
November 12, 2010 at 5:53 am
Deepthy (11/12/2010)
create table GEO(supplied_Adrressline nvarchar(100),
Clean_country nvarchar(100),
Clean_city nvarchar(100),
clean_region nvarchar(100),
clean_postcode nvarchar(100),
clean_addressline nvarchar(100)
insert into geo(supplied_addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode)
values ( '17 churchstreet 7000','Australia','Melbourne','ME','7000')
('10 Downing London HA2 9DR Street','United Kingdom','London','COF','HA2 9DR')
('NG6 ILP Middlesex 29 Minehead Road Sao Paulo','Brazil','Sao Paulo','Middlesex','NG6 1LP');
I want to update GEO with clean_addresslines set to
17 churchstreet
10 Downing Street
29 MInehead Road.
so want clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode columns to look in supplied_addressline and clean the addressline by removing the bits which are already in clean_columns and set to clean_addressline.
First thing first, provided insert script is not functional - it doesn't parse and doesn't show what the original data is supposed to look like.
Secondly... you have to come up with a set of rules to slice the original data, don't think UK and Brazilian address can be processed by the same algorithm.
Pablo (Paul) Berzukov
Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.
Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.November 12, 2010 at 6:16 am
Hello Paul,
Thanks for the reply.
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode)
values ( '17 churchstreet 7000','Australia','Melbourne','ME','7000')
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode)
values ('10 Downing London HA2 9DR Street','United Kingdom','London','COF','HA2 9DR')
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode)
values('NG6 ILP Middlesex 29 Minehead Road Sao Paulo','Brazil','Sao Paulo','Middlesex','NG6 1LP')
I result table should look like
create table clean_geo
(Adrressline nvarchar(100),
Clean_country nvarchar(100),
Clean_city nvarchar(100),
clean_region nvarchar(100),
clean_postcode nvarchar(100),
clean_addressline nvarchar(100)
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode,clean_addressline)
values ( '17 churchstreet 7000','Australia','Melbourne','ME','7000','17 Church Street')
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode,clean_addressline)
values ('10 Downing London HA2 9DR Street','United Kingdom','London','COF','HA2 9DR','10 Downing Street')
insert into geo(addressline,clean_country,clean_city,clean_region,clean_postcode,Clean_addressline)
values('NG6 ILP Middlesex 29 Minehead Road Sao Paulo','Brazil','Sao Paulo','Middlesex','NG6 1LP','29 Minehead Road').
What sort of rules should I set up to slice the clean columns from the address line?
November 12, 2010 at 6:24 am
I am trying with something like this
this slices the right side part
update geo
set clean_addressline=
where charindex(clean_country,addressline) = 1 and cleaned_addressline is null
to slice the left side
update geo
set cleaned_addressline = substring(addressline1,0,charindex(clean_country,addressline)-1)
where charindex(clean_country,addressline1)>1 and cleaned_addressline is null
the concatenate both left and right parts.
similarly want to scan with clean_city,clean_region and clean_postcode.
But no idea how to add right and left substrings, with out adding a new column.
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