Creating a Globally Unique ID without UNIQUEIDENTIFIER

  • I need to generate a globally unique ID for a system I'm working on, but I want to avoid using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER for obvious reasons. My first thought was to create a UniqueID table and just add a new row to it and capture the identity field:


    ID Numeric(18,0) PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1),

    TableName NVarchar(100) NOT NULL ,



    DECLARE @UniqueID Numeric(18,0)

    INSERT INTO UniqueID (TableName) Values ('AssetTable')

    SET @UniqueID = @@Identity

    Select @UniqueID

    Ideally I'd like to put this logic into a Scalar function so that function could be called when running bulk inserts, but Insert statements can't run within Scalar Functions. I'm writing stored procedures for modifying data from the application which would work, but there are times when we'll need to run bulk inserts, and not being able to evoke this functionality from an Insert into ... Select ... type statement isn't ideal.

    Are there any other suggestions on how to go about doing this? Or possibly other ways to get a sequential globally unique ID without using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER?

    Thanks for any advice ...


  • no need to re-invent the wheel;

    starting with SQL 2005, a new function NEWSEQUENTIALID() will return a GUID, but the values are more indexable, as they return items that are numerically sequential.

    you have to use it as the DEFAULT value for a column with the datatype 'uniqueidentifier' in a table, but it'll do exactly what you are after.


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  • Lowell (10/18/2010)

    no need to re-invent the wheel;

    starting with SQL 2005, a new function NEWSEQUENTIALID() will return a GUID, but the values are more indexable, as they return items that are numerically sequential.

    you have to use it as the DEFAULT value for a column with the datatype 'uniqueidentifier' in a table, but it'll do exactly what you are after.

    Hi Lowell,

    Actually I've been using NEWSEQUENTIALID() when creating new GUID records within my tables, but does this still carry any performance pitfalls with clustered indexing when using GUIDs? Also the 16-byte size is still a concern, but I'm not too worried about that as long as performance isn't hindered by using GUIDs.

    Thanks --


  • there is a simlar discussion going on...

  • sql_lock (10/18/2010)

    there is a simlar discussion going on...

    Thanks, I didn't see that before posting, but I'm reading through it now.

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