dbmirroring and replication both in the same databae

  • Hi all,

    for publisher database if we configure database mirroring,how replication works.

    if fail over happens,how mirror server use the distributor....how we need to configure that.

    as far as my knowledge we need to add both principal and mirror as a publishers for the singe distributor.

    could u help me inn this



  • Search Books Online for the heading "Replication and Database Mirroring" and read that first. This should give you what you need. Once you have read that check back here with specific questions.

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms151799.aspx

    Shared distributor, recommended this is remote from both servers. I suppose that if I had to put it on a server, I'd put it on the mirror server, not the principal.

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