Multiple cascade paths

  • Hi,

    I know we cannot implement a foreign key constraint that causes a multiple cascade path.

    Assume we have two tables calls "persons" and "table_2".

    I create the table’s schema structures with following DDL statements:

    use tempdb ;

    create table person(person_nbr int not null primary key) ;

    create table table_2 (row_nbr int not null primary key, sender int references person(person_nbr) on update cascade,

    reciever int references person(person_nbr) /*on update cascade*/) ;

    I adjust only on foreign key "CASCASE update"

    But it will not be practical at all!!

    The only solution foot solving the problem is using "open schema" structure?

    You mean I can use this schema?

    use tempdb ;

    create table person(person_nbr int not null primary key, person_name varchar(500)) ;

    create table table_2

    (row_id int primary key identity,

    row_nbr int,

    person_nbr int

    references person(person_nbr),

    type bit,

    check (type in (0, 1))

    --0 = sender

    --1 = receiver

    ) ;

    And for retrieving data I should use this query:

    SELECT row_nbr, MAX(CASE WHEN type = 0 THEN p.person_name END) AS sender_name,

    MAX(CASE WHEN type = 1 THEN p.person_name END) AS receiver_name

    FROM table_2 t

    JOIN persons p

    ON t.person_nbr = p.person_nbr

    GROUP BY row_nbr ;

    I am waiting for your solutions.


  • I'm afraid I really don't understand your question. Could you possibly supply a little more detail? What do you mean by "practical"? Some sample data and expected outputs would be most helpful in to those trying to assist you.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Can you explain why you want a cascade on updates? That column references an integer primary key in the person table - surely you will not be updating that key?


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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