Blog Post

MongoDB : Point in Time Restore/Recovery of MongoDB


This post demonstrates the methods of PIT recovery of the database. The step by step details of the recovery process is explained below

The requirement for PIT restore/recovery is to setup a single node replica so that the oplogs can be used to “replay transactions” for point in time recovery. Oplog is a capped collection which stores all the transactions in an order. Oplog can be queried like other collections.

Have used two instances one for backup and its configured on 30001 port and other is for restore/recovery on 30002 port.

The below diagram gives an idea about each steps


I’m using a new instance to demonstrate the backup and restore process.

  1. Lets start the instance 30001 a source for an entire example

>mongod –port 30001 –dbpath d:\data\TestRepSet_30001\ –replSet TestRepSet_30001  –oplogSize 128 –logpath d:\data\TestRepSet_30001.log


  1. Connect to an mongo instance using the port 30001

>mongo.exe –port 30001

  1. Configure single node replica set

> rsconf = { _id: “TestRepSet_30001”, members: [{ _id: 0, host: “localhost:30001” }] }

> rs.initiate( rsconf )

  1. Insert the dummy data

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> for(var i=0;i<=100;i++) {

db.backupCollection.insert({“id”:+i, “Date”: new Date()}) }

  1. cross verify the count for our reference just to compare before and after restore

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> db.backupCollection.count()




  1. Backup the database to specific path. You can also use default path. I’m using c:\data\backup



  1. Perform data manipulation(Insert and Delete few documents)

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> for(var i=102;i<=1000;i++) { db.backupCollection.insert({“id”:+i, “Date”: new Date()}) }

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> db.backupCollection.count()

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> db.backupCollection.remove({“id” : {“$gt” :800}})

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY> db.backupCollection.count()


  1. Dump and move the oplog to default folder and remove the local folder

>mongodump –port 30001 -d local -c

>move dump\local\ dump\oplog.bson

>rmdir /s local


  1. Identify the time stamp for Point in time recovery

TestRepSet_30001:PRIMARY>{“ns”: “backup.backupCollection”,”op”:”d”}).sort({$natural:1}).limit(5)


  1. I have created an instance to restore the database. Have used 30002 port to demonstrate the restore process

>mongod –port 30002 –dbpath d:\data\TestRepSet_30002\ –logpath d:\data\TestRepSet_30002.log


  1. Restore the database from first snapshot from d:\data\backup to an instance hosted on 30002 port

>mongorestore –port 30002  d:\data\backup\


12. Connect to an instance to check the count

>mongo.exe –port 30002

>use backup


13. After you have the right time replay the logs

>mongorestore –port 30002  –oplogReplay –oplogLimit “1463498418:1”

14. Check the record count at the target database

Restore_to_location_5_backup_oplog_3Job done

The learn other method you can refer the below link



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