How to get partid that have two category and exist on 2000,2200 ?

  • How to get partid that have two category for same part and exist on 2000,2200 ?

    I work on sql server 2012 i face issue i can't get partid that have two category for same part

    and these two category must be on category 2000 and 2200

    as partid 1246 it have two category for same part id

    and also thesetwo category 2000 and 2200

    so How to make select query do that please ?

    create table #category
    PartId int,
    Category int
    insert into #category(PartId,Category)

    what i try :

    select partid,Category from #category
    where category in (2000,2200)
    group by partid
    having count(partid)=2

    expected result

    PartId Category
    1246 2000
    1246 2200
    1250 2000
    1250 2200

  • It seems safest to COUNT(DISTINCT CATEGORY) with GROUP BY PartId.  It's not clear if it's necessary to join back to the table to SELECT other CategoryIds.  If other CategoryIds (than 2000 and 2200) are not needed then you could just CROSS JOIN the two rows.

    with p_cte as (
    select partid
    from #category
    where category in(2000,2200)
    group by partid
    having count(distinct Category)=2)
    select p.partId, v.Category
    from p_cte p
    cross join (values (2000),(2200)) v(Category)
    order by p.partId;


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