Report Export to Excel issue

  • Hi members,

    I'm exporting a report to Excel.My report has 10 fields.But when i export it to Excel i dont get the same number of cells.

    Some of the fields occupy 2 cells.Say column B occupies cells B and C . Instead i want the fields to occupy 1 cell each.

    Please suggest..



  • This is a good resource for dealing with Excel export issues:

    I've fixed a lot of issues by making sure all of my text boxes line up. I've also had to move some things like a label legend into an embedded image so that it wouldn't merge the fields in the table below it.

    It's very aggravating about the lack of control over the Excel export. Usually I get better results when complex reports are exported to PDF. When I do "reports" that are to be used primarily as data exports I make sure that they are very simple tables without merged fields, title boxes and headers and footers.

  • That works....

    Thanks Mhlewis .

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