Blog Post

Upcoming Speaking Engagements


The next few months will be crazy for me. I will be travelling a lot around Europe, speaking about SQL Server topics.

Here is where you will find me in the upcoming weeks:

SQLNexus is a new conference in Copenhagen and will be the official launch event in Denmark for SQL Server 2016.

I will speak about “Responding to Extended Events in near Real-Time”.

SQLBits doesn’t need to be introduced. It’s the biggest SQL Server event in Europe and it will also be the official SQL Server 2016 launch event in UK.

Again, I will speak about “Responding to Extended Events in near Real-Time”.

NTK is a famous conference in Slovenia, which has been running for many years now. This year it will be held in Portorosz, near the Italian border.

It’s going to be fun: I will speak about “Benchmarking, Baselining and Workload Analysis”.

INSIDE-SQL is also a new event, run this year for the first time. It’s an event focused on in-depth concepts, delivered in 75 minutes sessions, with long breaks between sessions, so that attendees can go to the next session without rushing and can hang out with the speakers and ask questions.

I will deliver two sessions:

“Responding to Extended Events in near Real-Time”

“Advanced T-SQL Techniques”

Free SQL Server training from the 40th floor of the Tour Montparnasse in Paris.What else can I say?

I will be speaking about “New Security Features in SQL Server 2016”

One of the coolest SQLSats around!

This time I’ll be speaking about “SQL Server Infernals”, AKA “how to torture your SQL Server instances to death with worst practices”. It’s going to be fun!

I hope to see you at these super cool events!


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