Ran the script but no databases restored

  • Hi,

    I have run this script on a laptop using SQL Server 2005 Express and it stated that the commands had completed successfully but no databases were restored from the .bak files.

    Does this require the full edition of SQL Server?

    If I comment out the "DROP TABLE" commands I can see that the **_lester tables were created within the master db.

    I have even created a test db and ran the script against that with drop commands commented out and no records are present within these tables. I have given SQLExpress user full control to the folder containing the backup files.

    Any ideas as to why this script is not restoring the dbs is greatly appreciated.



  • Any ideas as to why this script is not restoring the dbs is greatly appreciated.

    Can you post the script?

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Blog: wsmelton.github.com
    Github: wsmelton

  • Here is the script:


    Script made by : Lester A. Policarpio

    Email Address : lpolicarpio2001@yahoo.com

    Date Created : September 03, 2007


    January 17, 2008

    - Solved outputed value of the @restoredb variable

    - Solved the "invalid length parameter" issue

    May 6, 2008

    - Removed unused variables

    - Add the headeronly command to accept non sql backup format


    - Add more comments

    May 12, 2008

    - Accept Backup Files With Multiple NDFs

    May 23, 2008

    - Solved the problem when RESTORE HEADERONLY produces more than 1 value


    - This script is tested for backup files ".BAK" only




    --Drop Tables if it exists in the database

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'migration_lester')

    DROP TABLE migration_lester

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'header_lester')

    DROP TABLE header_lester

    if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'cmdshell_lester')

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester

    --Create Tables

    --(cmdshell_lester table for the cmdshell command)

    --(migration_lester table for the restore filelistonly command)

    --(header_lester table for the restore headeronly command)

    CREATE TABLE cmdshell_lester( fentry varchar(1000))

    CREATE TABLE migration_lester(LogicalName varchar(1024),

    PhysicalName varchar(4000),type char(1),FileGroupName varchar(50),

    size real,MaxSize real)

    CREATE TABLE header_lester (BackupName varchar(50),

    BackupDescription varchar(100),BackupType int,

    ExpirationDate nvarchar(50),Compressed int,Position int,

    DeviceType int,UserName varchar(30),ServerName varchar(30),

    DatabaseName varchar(50),DatabaseVersion int,

    DatabaseCreationDate datetime,BackupSize bigint,FirstLsn binary,

    LastLsn binary,CheckpointLsn binary,DifferentialBasLsn binary,

    BackupStartDate datetime,BackupFinishDate datetime,SortOrder int,

    CodePage int,UnicodeLocaleid int,UnicodeComparisonStyle int,

    CompatibilityLevel int,SoftwareVendorId int,SoftwareVersionMajor int,

    SoftwareVersionMinor int,SoftwareVersionBuild int,

    MachineName varchar(50),Flags int,BindingId nvarchar(50),

    RecoveryForkId nvarchar(50),Collation nvarchar(50))

    --Declare Variables

    DECLARE @path varchar(1024),@restore varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @restoredb varchar(2000),@extension varchar(1024),@newpath_ldf varchar(1024)

    DECLARE @pathension varchar(1024),@newpath_mdf varchar(1024),@header varchar(500)

    --Set Values to the variables

    SET @newpath_mdf = 'C:\Virtual Servers\DBBackups' --new path wherein you will put the mdf

    SET @newpath_ldf = 'C:\Virtual Servers\DBBackups' --new path wherein you will put the ldf

    SET @path = 'C:\Virtual Servers\DBBackups' --Path of the Backup File

    SET @extension = 'BAK'

    SET @pathension = 'dir /OD '+@Path+'*.'+@Extension

    --Insert the value of the command shell to the table

    INSERT INTO cmdshell_lester exec master..xp_cmdshell @pathension

    --Delete non backup files data, delete null values

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester WHERE FEntry NOT LIKE '%.BAK%'

    DELETE FROM cmdshell_lester WHERE FEntry is NULL

    --Create a cursor to scan all backup files needed to generate the restore script

    DECLARE @migrate varchar(1024)


    select substring(FEntry,40,50) as 'FEntry'from cmdshell_lester

    OPEN migrate

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate


    --Added feature to get the dbname of the backup file

    SET @header = 'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@Migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO header_lester exec (@header)

    --Get the names of the mdf and ldf

    set @restore = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''

    INSERT INTO migration_lester EXEC (@restore)

    --Update value of the table to add the new path+mdf/ldf names

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = reverse(physicalname)

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname =


    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = @newpath_mdf+reverse(physicalname) where type = 'D'

    UPDATE migration_lester SET physicalname = @newpath_ldf+reverse(physicalname) where type = 'L'


    --Set a value to the @restoredb variable to hold the restore database script

    IF (select count(*) from migration_lester) = 2


    SET @restoredb = 'RESTORE DATABASE '+(select top 1 DatabaseName from header_lester)

    +' FROM DISK = '+ ''''+@path+@migrate+''''+' WITH MOVE '+''''

    +(select logicalname from migration_lester where type = 'D')+''''

    +' TO '+ ''''+( select physicalname from migration_lester WHERE physicalname like '%mdf%')

    +''''+', MOVE '+''''+ (select logicalname from migration_lester where type = 'L')

    +''''+' TO '+''''+( select physicalname from migration_lester

    WHERE physicalname like '%ldf%')+''''

    print (@restoredb)


    IF (select count(*) from migration_lester) > 2


    SET @restoredb =

    'RESTORE DATABASE '+(select top 1 DatabaseName from header_lester)+

    ' FROM DISK = '+''''+@path+@migrate+''''+'WITH MOVE '

    DECLARE @multiple varchar(1000),@physical varchar(1000)


    Select logicalname,physicalname from migration_lester

    OPEN multiple

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical



    SET @restoredb=@restoredb+''''+@multiple+''''+' TO '+''''+@physical+''''+','+'MOVE '+''

    FETCH NEXT FROM multiple INTO @multiple,@physical


    CLOSE multiple

    DEALLOCATE multiple

    SET @restoredb = substring(@restoredb,1,len(@restoredb)-5)

    print (@restoredb)



    -- Run print @restoredb first to view the databases to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    -- EXEC (@restoredb)


    --Clear data inside the tables to give way for the next

    --set of informations to be put in the @restoredb variable

    TRUNCATE TABLE migration_lester

    TRUNCATE TABLE header_lester

    FETCH NEXT FROM migrate INTO @migrate


    CLOSE migrate

    DEALLOCATE migrate


    --Drop Tables

    DROP TABLE migration_lester

    DROP TABLE cmdshell_lester

    DROP TABLE header_lester

  • --@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    -- Run print @restoredb first to view the databases to be restored

    -- When ready, run exec (@restoredb)

    -- EXEC (@restoredb)

    Try uncommenting the EXEC line

  • I would also ask what method are you using to verify the database was restored?

    Example: deleting a table within the database, execute your script, see if the table is put back.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Blog: wsmelton.github.com
    Github: wsmelton

  • Sorry - that line was incorrect, the exec command was uncommented. Still no db's restored!

    To verify whether the databases were restored I am using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express, right clicking the Databases folder and selecting "Refresh".

  • I would try the following steps to test if your script is working:

    1) Create a test database

    2) Create a table and add data (3 or 4 rows maybe)

    3) Back that database up

    4) Delete the rows of data or the table itself.

    5) Execute your script

    6) Open SSMS for Express and see if what you deleted is restored.

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Blog: wsmelton.github.com
    Github: wsmelton

  • Thanks for the suggestions Shawn but still no luck. The deleted rows were not restored but I did not receive any error messages!

    Does the database have to exist within SQL Server prior to the restoration script being run or will it restore databases just from the bak file?

  • Has anyone got any ideas why this script has not worked?

    Is it because I am using an Express version of SQL?

    Is it because the databases do not already exist on this SQL server - they were backed up using a maintenance plan on another MS SQL Server?

    Off topic, why does SQL Server not allow a maintenance plan to be created to restore bak files but allow them to be backed up?

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