• I have an error during replication because of invalid sql user account name that bind with my previous servername. I had change my servername, but the sql user still bind to my previous servername. How to change it? Any other solution?

    Error Message detail:

    SQL Server Replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server.

    A Connections through as server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported

  • Can you be more specific in server name like Publisher or Subscriber?

    Check the distributor properties

    Best way is to check in Replication Monitor..

  • can you post what you are attempting to do. add a subscription? add an article?

    if you have renamed your server then you also need to let sql server know

    if you run

    select serverproperty('machinename'),@@servername

    they should both be the same

    if they aren't then you need to run

    sp_dropserver @@servername


    declare @sname

    select @sname=serverproperty('machinename')

    sp_addserver @sname,'local'


  • Ok, it works, thankx...

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