Creating aliases in case statements

  • Hi,

    I am trying to select a few columns in my view where by if a particular column is NULL then it should use an alternative column. The real problem here is that there are three different scenarios whereby if there is data in a column, i will like to create a temporary column as to tell me that the data is populated from whichever colum is returning the result.

    Please find below a brief explanation fron the query:


    WHEN dbo.Episodes.[Onset Date] IS NULL THEN dbo.Episodes.[Referral Date] END AS [Date of Onset], [this will also be a new column titled referall date]

    WHEN dbo.Episodes.[Onset Date] IS NULL AND dbo.Episodes.[Referral Date] IS NULL THEN dbo.Specimens.Specimen_Date AS [Date of Onset ] [this will be a new column titled Specimens]


    I hope this makes sense. I tried to find out if i can use an IIf statement but no luck.

    Any advice or help will be appreciated

  • You cannot determine the count and names of your columns within a CASE statement. SELECT statements always require to return table structures with same columns and data types for each row.

    You can return both (all) columns and use CASE to fill them.

  • Dunno if this helps you on the way:





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Table_1](

    [F1] [nchar](2) NULL,

    [F2] [nchar](2) NULL,

    [F3] [int] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO #Table_1 VALUES('A','B',1)

    INSERT INTO #Table_1 VALUES(null,'B',2)

    INSERT INTO #Table_1 VALUES('A',null,3)

    INSERT INTO #Table_1 VALUES(null,null,4)

    SELECT F3,F2,F1,

    -- Computed Field


    WHEN F1 is not null AND F2 is not null THEN F1 + F2

    WHEN F1 is null AND F2 is not null THEN F2

    WHEN F1 is not null AND F2 is null THEN F1

    ENDAS ComputedField

    FROM #Table_1

    DROP TABLE #Table_1

    I used a ComputedField for a resultset based on the value of F1 and F2, but you can easily use another column of the table here.

    But maybe I do not understand your problem correctly.

    Another method would be to use UNION between 2(or more) SELECT statements, in which you select each different situation you would want.

    Hans Brouwer

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