How to calculate number of requests per period

  • Hi,

    I have a table named "historic" where i save all requests' status. I want to calculate the difference between two dates : date when the status is "new" and date when the status is "closed". Then, i want to group the requests by duration of treatment.

    Example :

    -number of requests -------duration of treatement

    ----------30 -----------------< 1 day
    ----------10 ------------------< 1 hour
    ----------20 ------------------< 1 week Is it possible to have this result ?
    any help or any comment will be highly appreciated.

  • rafii.mili (5/17/2009)

    -number of requests -------duration of treatement

    ----------30 -----------------< 1 day

    ----------10 ------------------< 1 hour

    ----------20 ------------------< 1 week

    Is it possible to have this result ?



  • This may not be the best way, and without knowing your exact record structure this can only be a hint, but it will give you an idea to try out.

    WITH Diffs AS (

    SELECT DATEDIFF(hh,date1,date2) AS DiffHours,


    FROM .....

    ), DiffRange AS (

    SELECT CASE DiffHours

    WHEN < 24 THEN '< 1 Day'

    WHEN <168 THEN '< 1 Week'

    ELSE 'Longer'

    END AS Duration,


    FROM Diffs )

    SELECT COUNT(...), Duration

    FROM DiffRange

    GROUP BY Duration

  • Thanks for your help, but it's not working.:crying:

    WITH Diffs AS (

    SELECT DATEDIFF(hh,date1, getdate()) AS DiffHours,

    FROM historique_dde

    ), DiffRange AS (


    WHEN DiffHours < 24 THEN '< 1 Day'

    WHEN DiffHours <168 THEN '< 1 Week'

    ELSE 'Longer'

    END AS Duration,

    FROM Diffs )

    SELECT COUNT(historique_dde.DemandeID), Duration

    FROM DiffRange

    GROUP BY Duration


    an error is displayed when i try to work with it:


    Msg 4104,Niveau 16 Etat 1 , ligne 1

    L'identificateur en plusieurs parties 'historique_dde.DemandeID' ne peut pas être lié

    i translate it in english :

    The identifier in several parts ' historique_dde.DemandeID ' can not be bound


  • you will have to bubble up "DemandeID" column from the previous CTEs

    * Noel

  • really, great thanks for your help.

    I solved my probleme. I used this code:


    Diffs AS (

    SELECT DATEDIFF(hh,demande_help_desk.DateEnvoi,historique_dde.date_modif_dde ) AS DiffHours ,historique_dde.DemandeID

    FROM historique_dde INNER JOIN

    StatutDde ON historique_dde.StatutDdeID = StatutDde.StatutDdeID INNER JOIN

    demande_help_desk ON historique_dde.DemandeID = demande_help_desk.DemandeID

    where (StatutDde.LibelleStatut = 'Cloturée')

    ) ,

    DiffRange AS (


    WHEN DiffHours < 24 THEN ' < 1 day'

    WHEN DiffHours < 72 THEN ' < 3 days'

    WHEN DiffHours < 168 THEN ' = 1 week'

    END AS Duration,historique_dde.DemandeID

    FROM Diffs

    INNER JOIN historique_dde ON historique_dde.DemandeID = Diffs.DemandeID


    SELECT count (distinct(historique_dde.DemandeID) ) as 'Nombre de demandes', Duration

    FROM DiffRange

    INNER JOIN historique_dde ON historique_dde.DemandeID = DiffRange.DemandeID

    GROUP BY Duration

    order by Duration

    It's work perfectly.:cool::cool::cool:

  • Bravo!

    code informatique exécution par excellence.

    - In case Google didn't translate this correctly - I meant to say

    Well done, thats a gread bit of coding. 😀

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