Blog Post

Why you shouldn’t use SELECT *


I answered an interesting question on SE today (ever notice how many posts come from stuff I read on forums?) and I was pleased with how the answer turned out. In particular one piece (expanded a bit) seemed like it would make a good blog post.

To start with here is the question.

The questioners problem appeared to be a misunderstanding of how you pick which columns are returned by a query.

A basic SELECT statement looks something like this:

SELECT FieldList
FROM TableOne
    ON [JoinCondition between TableOne and TableTwo]
WHERE [Conditions that restrict returned rows]

The FieldList is where you tell SQL what columns you want back from the query. From least selective to most selective you can have the following things in the FieldList.

  • * – return every column from every table in the FROM clause (that includes INNER/OUTER/CROSS/etc JOINs)
  • TableName.* – Return every column from TableName.
  • One or more of the following: TableName.ColumnName or ColumnName It’s generally considered a good idea to include the TableName but it isn’t necessary.


Typing a * sounds a lot easier than actually listing all of the columns you need. However is that really a good idea? You’ll hear lots of people saying it isn’t, but why?

Well there are several reasons. Primarily:

  • Performance : By requesting only the columns you need:
    • You reduce the amount of data that has to go across the wire.
    • You allow the optimizer to pick more appropriate indexes (a covering index for example)
  • Code stability : When the schema of the tables involved changes
    • Your data may move around unexpectedly.
      -- Create test table & load data
      CREATE TABLE ChangingTable (Col1 int, Col2 int);
      INSERT INTO ChangingTable VALUES
      (1,2), (1,2), (1,2);
      -- Create a view using the dread *
      CREATE VIEW vw_ChangingTable
      SELECT * FROM ChangingTable;
      -- Before query
      SELECT * FROM vw_ChangingTable;


      -- Script to add a column in the middle of the other columns
      EXEC sp_rename 'ChangingTable','tmpChangingTable';
      CREATE TABLE ChangingTable (Col1 int, Col3 int, Col2 int);
      INSERT INTO ChangingTable (Col1, Col2)
      SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM tmpChangingTable;
      DROP TABLE tmpChangingTable;
      -- After query
      SELECT * FROM vw_ChangingTable;


      Oops .. that doesn’t look right. Let’s make sure the table looks right.

      SELECT * FROM ChangingTable;


      Well at least the table is correct. Although your application is libel to be a bit unhappy.

    • Your code may break.
      -- Create test tables
      CREATE TABLE ChangingTable (Col1 int, Col2 int);
      CREATE TABLE ChangingTable2 (Col1 int, Col2 int);
      -- Before code run
      INSERT INTO ChangingTable2
      SELECT * FROM ChangingTable;

      The insert succeeds (of course).

      -- Change the table
      ALTER TABLE ChangingTable ADD Col3 int;
      -- After code run
      INSERT INTO ChangingTable2
      SELECT * FROM ChangingTable;

      Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 54

      Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

      And with no changes to the code, it now fails.


All that said there are some good times to use *s. Specifically quickie ad-hoc queries in a query window where you aren’t returning a large number of rows. Otherwise it’s generally safer to list out the columns you need rather than use a *.

Filed under: Microsoft SQL Server, SQLServerPedia Syndication, T-SQL Tagged: microsoft sql server, T-SQL


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