Blog Post

I’m presenting for the Pass Security Virtual Chapter!


Tomorrow (3/24/2016) at noon CT I’ll be presenting my SQL Server Security Basics session for the Pass Security Virtual Chapter. If you are interested in SQL Server database security and have little to no experience with it then this is the session for you! Heck even if you do have some experience but feel like you have some gaps in your knowledge come and give it a listen. I’ll do my best not to be overly boring.

In this session I’ll be going over:

  • Definitions
    • What’s the difference between the SELECT permission on a table and CREATE PROCEDURE?
    • What do we apply our permissions to? Objects, Objects and more objects!
    • What’s a role? What’s the difference been a fixed role and non-fixed roles?
  • SSMS!
    • Frequently when we start with SQL Server we use the GUI (most if not all the time). So let’s find out where we find security info in the GUI.
    • Eventually we need to learn how to script everything out. Let the GUI help you learn how.
  • Best Practices
    • Start out with a clean environment before reality really starts to mess you up.

Filed under: Microsoft SQL Server, Security, Speaking, SQLServerPedia Syndication Tagged: microsoft sql server, security, speaking


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