databse mail error

  • [264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established

    is the error I get when I try to send mail on the database.

    Any ideas

  • have you tried enabling an email session? you can set up database mail in SSMS under management - database mail. you need to create a profile and an account. you also need to enable the mail profile in sql server agent properties.

  • In addition to setting up Database Mail, there is one other thing I would check if you are going to be sending notifications based on SQL jobs. Once you can send a successful Database Mail test, I would do the following to ensure SQL Server Agent is configured to use the new mail profile you setup. If no mail profile is setup for SQL Server Agent, if you setup notifications for job failures, you will not receive the notifications.

    1. Right click on SQL Server Agent and click Properties.

    2. Click the Alert System link

    3. Ensure that the 'Enable Mail Profile' box is checked and in the Mail System drop down, select Database Mail and in the Mail profile drop down, select the Profile you setup when you configured Database Mail

    If you had to check the 'Enable Mail Profile' checkbox, then make sure you restart the SQL Server Agent service and then notifications for jobs will work.



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