Snowflake dimension design question.

  • I am trying to get an undertstanding of Snowflake dimensions and how they could benefit the design of a DW.

    Snowflake dimensions appear to me to be used to normalise dimension tables and therefore removing repetition of data in Dimension records.

    I believe the Dimension -> Snowflake is a 1 to 1 relationship. Is this correct?

    Is it advisable to use Type 2 changing dimension techniques on changing the Snowflake (I assume this requires the Dimension to also be Type 2) to track changes or to kepp them always to Type 1?



  • When I design data warehouse, I try to avoid snowflake dimension because it requires an extra join to get the data. Sometimes it is better to de-normalize the database to get a better result. Ralph Kimball talked about this in his book and he also recommended not using snowflake.

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