Powershell script giving the error "The specified value 'Patch' is invalid."

  • I am trying to patch my SQL server with CU8 and GDR for SQL Server 2019 on a windows 2019 server

    There is only the default instance and when I run the following command in powershell as administrator I get the error below and the summary files are attached:

    setup.exe /updatesource="E:\SQL_2019\patches"  /Action=Patch /allinstances /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms

    The funny thing is that it says to run in unattended mode but im not specifying the /q option but the error is below:

    The specified value 'Patch' is invalid. To run in unattended mode, you must specify a valid ACTION. The valid values for ACTION are: '

























    Error result: -2054422515

    Result facility code: 1420

    Result error code: 13

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  hurricaneDBA.
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  • try and change the keywords to match the EXACT casing for install as per documentation.


    there were other users reporting errors where this sorted the issues they had.

    setup.exe /UpdateSource="E:\SQL_2019\patches" /ACTION=Patch /AllInstances /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS


  • Hi Fred

    That didn't work even with lower case and upper case

    The error is attached




  • I think you just have to start from the actual CU you are trying to install:


    Set-Location 'E:\SQL_2019\patches'


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  • Dear Johan

    I can run single patches no problem but when I include more than one patch and insert the option:


    This is when it doesn't work



  • You only need to provide the latest CU.

    It includes all others  !

    -- added --

    At install time ( of a sqlserver instance ) , you can indeed point to a path holding all available CU's . The install process will then determine which one to install.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  Johan Bijnens.


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  • Dear Johan

    Does it include the security patches (GDR) also?

    this was the whole exercise applying a CU and a GDR.



  • The GDR is post CU. I think you need CU xxxx and then the GDR. If there is a previous GDR, CUs after that include the GDR.

  • Also keep this note in mind: "...optional for computers that do not host Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services."

    2021-01-26 10_34_05-Window


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  • Dear Steven

    Are you sure if I have a GDR it will include the previous CUs?

    I have to patch SQL server 2016 with CU14 with GDR. Per the instructions I need to patch with CU 15 first then GDR.

    Will the GDR contain CU15 if its a strictly security patch?


  • Ah, you might be right. If I go back and think, the GDR should be only for that level, but future CUs will include it.

    For SQL 2017,

    • RTM
    • GDR patch for RTM - apply directly.
    • CU 1
    • ...
    • CU 22
    • CU 22 GDR - patch can only apply to CU22. If you are on CU20, you need CU22 + GDR_CU22 patch
    • CU23 - will include the GDR

    MS tries to minimize the number of branches they maintain, so I'm guessing here that they only keep the RTM and latest CU/SP around that they will provide security patches for.

  • Ok I thought so.

    I have a 2016 server and had CU 14 and then I applied the GDR without CU 15 and it worked but I don’t know what problems this might cause Later.



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