This blog post relates to where you might be doing scale operations of your app services or VMs in Azure and get the following error after doing quite a few scale up and down operations.
The exact error I received was:
Failed to update configuration for 'Api'. {"Code":"Conflict","Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later."},{"Code":"Conflict"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"03024","MessageTemplate":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour({0} changes and limit is {1}). Please retry later.","Parameters":["56","40"],"Code":"Conflict","Message":"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(56 changes and limit is 40). Please retry later."}}],"Innererror":null}
Where I was scaling my app service plan called Api and went past some arbitrary limit.
It is hard to find the exact limits within Azure for app scale operations but by a process of elimination I have determined:
SKU | Limit |
Premium/PremiumV2/Isolated | 40 |
Standard | 20 |
Basic | 15 |
Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do here – you just have to wait until your hour is up….