Errors in MSSMS running jobs

  • I recently added full Visual Studio 2005 to my machine that already had MSSQL 2005 installed. Prior to installing VS2k5 my MSSMS was working without problems. Now however, when I open the Job Activity Monitor and try to run a job by right clicking and selecting 'Start Job' I receive the following error message:

    Could not load bype 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobBaseCollection' from assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dc8080cc91'.(SqlManagerUI)

    Then the job will not run. I can still execute it by selecting 'Start Job at Step' when I right click on the job but I would like to use the Start Job to do this.

    Can anyone tell me what I can or need to do to fix this problem so I can start jobs in this instance of MSSMS??




  • Uninstall, reinstall client tools. You have a problem with the tools.

  • I was afraid you were going to say something like that. 🙂

    I will give that a try - thanks.



  • Okay, I have tried to re-install the client tools three times now and still continue to get the same problem.... Anyone have any other ideas? Is it possible that my installation is not fully uninstalled even though I verified all files gone? Could I have a conflict with the Visual Studio stuff?


  • go into add\remove programs and run a repair on the .NET 2.0 framework


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Dumb question - how do you run a repair in the Add/Remove Programs?


  • When you click on Remove you will be given the option to remove or repair.

    Choose repair.

  • When I clicked on remove, it removed my .NET 2.0 and I had to re-install it.

    BTW, it still did not resolve the original problem....


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