How to get parts that not have same features count on table settings by code typ

  • How to get parts that not have same features count on table settings by codetypeid and PLID ?

    I work on sql server 2012 . if face issue I can't get parts that not have all features on table settings

    so I will count distinct features from table settings and compare it with count features per part

    if count features per part on table part feature <>count distinct features on table settings by PLID and code type

    then display it .

    as example part 9010 have only one feature 15000160 from table settings and not have feature 15000171

    then display it .

    as example part 9041 have only one feature 15000171 from table settings and not have feature 15000160

    then display it .

    part id 7731 have two features 15000171,15000160 as part settings have two features then no need

    to display it because it have full features

    so How to write query do that

    create table #settings
    SettingId int,
    CodeType int,
    Code nvarchar(50),
    featureKey int
    insert into #settings

    create table #partFeature
    PartId int,
    FeatureKey int
    insert into #partFeature
    (7070,15000171) ,
    (9041,15000171) ,
    (2030,15000160) ,
    (5871,15000160) ,
    (5871,15000171) ,
    (7731,15000160) ,

    result I need

    PartId FeatureKey
    9010 15000160
    7070 15000171
    9041 15000171
    2030 15000160
  • I see multiple ways to handle this.  My approach would be to count the number of unique feature keys in the #settings table and store that in a variable so you don't need to look it up multiple times.

    Next, you use a CTE or nested select to grab the distinct partID and FeatureKey from partFeature, as well as a count of distinct feature keys.  Something along the lines of:

    WITH [cte]
    , [datas].[FeatureKey]
    ) AS [featureCount]
    , [FeatureKey]
    ) AS [datas]
    , [cte].[FeatureKey]
    WHERE [cte].[featureCount] < @TotalFeatureCount;

    Where @TotalFeatureCount is generated from something like

    DECLARE @TotalFeatureCount INT
    SELECT @TotalFeatureCount = COUNT(DISTINCT featurekey)
    FROM #settings


    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

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