I work on SQL server 2012 . I face issue I can't pivot features for every part based on display order .
I need to display Features as Pivot for Parts Based on Part Id Exist on Table partsdata
so I need to display features for multiple part on one row as pivot based on partc and partx exist on table inputdata
I will give it partc and partx as inputdata table then i will pivot values for every features exist on table #features arranged by display order feature
create table #features
FeatureId int,
FeatureName nvarchar(50),
DisplayOrder int
insert into #features(FeatureId,FeatureName,DisplayOrder)
create table #partsdata
PartId int,
FeatureId int,
FeatureValue nvarchar(20)
insert into #partsdata(PartId,FeatureId,FeatureValue)
PartIdC INT,
PartIdX int
insert into #InputData(PartIdC,PartIdX)
PartIdc PartIdx Supply-PartC Supply-PartX Volt-PartC Volt-PartX Resistor-PartC Resistor-PartX Capacity-PartC Capacity-PartX
1290 1590 40V 30V 50k 70k 90A 20A 100V 80V
December 18, 2020 at 12:41 am
Here's a non-dynamic query to produce the output. If there's a variable number of features then it would need to be dynamic.
select id.PartIdC, id.PartIdX,
max(iif(f1.FeatureName='Supply', p1.FeatureValue, null)) [Supply-PartC],
max(iif(f2.FeatureName='Supply', p2.FeatureValue, null)) [Supply-PartX],
max(iif(f1.FeatureName='Volt', p1.FeatureValue, null)) [Volt-PartC],
max(iif(f2.FeatureName='Volt', p2.FeatureValue, null)) [Volt-PartX],
max(iif(f1.FeatureName='Resistor', p1.FeatureValue, null)) [Resistor-PartC],
max(iif(f2.FeatureName='Resistor', p2.FeatureValue, null)) [Resistor-PartX],
max(iif(f1.FeatureName='Capacity', p1.FeatureValue, null)) [Capacity-PartC],
max(iif(f2.FeatureName='Capacity', p2.FeatureValue, null)) [Capacity-PartX]
from #InputData id
left join #partsdata p1 on id.PartIdC=p1.PartId
left join #features f1 on p1.FeatureId=f1.FeatureId
left join #partsdata p2 on id.PartIdX=p2.PartId
left join #features f2 on p2.FeatureId=f2.FeatureId
group by id.PartIdC, id.PartIdX;
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können
December 18, 2020 at 4:02 am
thank you for reply
this is static i need it dynamic because sometimes i don't know features on table
so if possible i need it depend on features exist on table partsdata
and also this features always changed so can't use it as if condition
so how to do that please ?
@sql_prefix nvarchar(max)=N'select id.PartIdC, id.PartIdX,',
@sql_suffix nvarchar(max)=
N'from #InputData id
left join #partsdata p1 on id.PartIdC=p1.PartId
left join #features f1 on p1.FeatureId=f1.FeatureId
left join #partsdata p2 on id.PartIdX=p2.PartId
left join #features f2 on p2.FeatureId=f2.FeatureId
group by id.PartIdC, id.PartIdX;',
@sql_string nvarchar(max),
@sql nvarchar(max);
@fn_prefix nvarchar(max)=N'max(iif(f1.FeatureName=''',
@fn_string1 nvarchar(max)=N''', p1.FeatureValue, null)) [',
@fn_string2 nvarchar(max)=N'-PartC], max(iif(f2.FeatureName=''',
@fn_string3 nvarchar(max)=N''', p2.FeatureValue, null)) [',
@fn_suffix nvarchar(max)=N'-PartX]';
seq_features_cte(FeatureId, FeatureName, seq_num) as (
select f.FeatureId, f.FeatureName, row_number() over (order by f.DisplayOrder)
from #features f
where exists (select 1
from #partsdata p
where f.FeatureId=p.FeatureId)),
features_string_cte(sql_string) as (
select stuff((select concat(', ', @fn_prefix,
sf.FeatureName, @fn_string1,
sf.FeatureName, @fn_string2,
sf.FeatureName, @fn_string3,
sf.FeatureName, @fn_suffix)
from seq_features_cte sf
order by sf.seq_num
for xml path('')),1,1,''))
select @sql=concat(@sql_prefix, sql_string, @sql_suffix)
from features_string_cte;
--print (@sql);
exec sp_sqlexec @sql;
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können
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